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Dazai's P.O.V.
I waited, Chuuya seen me.

"Oi, what are you doing here?"

"none of your business, take me to Mori."

"Mori's in the middle of something."

"Chuuya, this is about the rats."

"Fine, lets go."

We walked together, in an uncomfortable silence. We reached the door, Chuuya knocked, "Boss, Dazai is here on official business with the Agency."

"Come in."

Y/n was sitting in a chair, I looked upon her, she was...still as beautiful as ever.

I cleared my throat, "so Fukuzawa wants to propose a truce between us as the Guild, as we can all band together to defeat Fyodor and the rats."

She yawned, I stared at her. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do.

"Okay, Y/n what do you think about this?"

"The truce will benefit everyone who it involves, we'll all be protected from the rats combining our strength should be able to take them out as well."

"Alright, then you may leave tell Fukuzawa we accept."

"No conditions?" I asked curiously.

"No currently the mafia isn't even worried about the rats, I'm more focused on getting Y/n's mental stability where it should be."

"Her mental stability?"

"Yea, she was sent to prison for 4 years, constantly got beat and was tortured nearly." Chuuya spoke up from behind me.

She said nothing but just sit there, her face expression was blank, as if she wasn't sure what was going on.

"That's all, you're dismissed."

I turned out and began to walk out, "Oh and Dazai. Tell Fukuzawa I'll be assigning teams, I'll give you the list once it's finished."


I walked out and got in my car, "why?"

Tears started flowing, "why did she have such a lifeless expression?"

How did that happen? Was it because of me?

"Oh god y/n!" I covered my teary chocolate eyes and began to drive back to the Agency.

"Mori said, they accept but he'll be making teams, he'll summon me again once the lists are completed." I repeated to myself

There was a possibility I'll get to see her again, talk to her again, touch her again. All I hoped for the rest of the day is that Mori partnered us up.

"Y/n, what a pitiful state you're in. I hope that's not because of me." I said aloud, in my own dark room.

"Y/n..." I said sadly, god how I missed her.

I was happy to see she's alive but...the girl I loved isn't well. I remembered the card I slipped off of Chuuya earlier.

I dialed it and Mori's voice answered, "hello?"

"Mori, please...partner me up with Y/n."

"And why is it you wish that?"

" her, I have to help her, it's my duty as someone who's possibly responsible for why she's like this."

"Who will Chuuya be with?"

"Ranpo! And when we go out missions and what not, they can be nearby incase of an emergency corruption!" I got in the car and started to drive.

"Very well; you'll be partnered with y/n."

"Thank you, thank you so much." I said shakily, I was still crying.

I hung up and sat in my seat, taking deep breaths, I was in the Agency's parking lot. Soon they'll notice, I wiped my tears and stepped out of the car and burst through the door.


"Dazai, what did they say?"

"They accepted, they're only terms were they'd make a list of people who will work together." I said cheerfully.

"Okay, well as long as we have a good idea in their strategy for putting us together then we should be alright?" Kunikida guessed

"Well, I suppose so, but we don't even get a choice." Yosano added, "that doesn't necessarily make it fair, what if we get partnered with someone we absolutely hate?"

"Then I would guess we can't change it right?" Tanizaki asked

"No." I replied, "we won't be able to change it, Mori will possibly have a battle plan so his choices will influence the plan."

"Y/n L/n." Yosano said aloud, "a mafia executive, she's, according to other mafia members, the most feared among them."

"What a reputation you've worked up." I thought.

"Y/n is one of their torture specialists correct?" Fukuzawa asked

"She works in many different departments from what I've seen." Ranpo answered, "She has many different skills as well."

Yosano nodded then spoke, "within the mafia, there are many people who you would find fit to be in the mafia, y/n however was born to be there."

I looked down at the floor, "can we not talk about this?"

"Dazai-" Atsushi soon realized why, "Yea maybe we shouldn't."

"Well." I said in a normal tone, "I'm going to commit suicide~!"

"Let's hope it works this time." Kunikida scoffed and went back to his work.

I walked out of the Agency then wiped my face, "shit, I want to save her."

I sighed then drove home, I sat on my bed, "can I really save her?"

"I'm the one who put her there right?"

"Do I genuinely want to save her or is it just guilt?"

"Fuck." I ran my fingers through my hair out of frustration.

"If I were to say something to her, would she respond?"

"Stop thinking about it, Mori will get the lists in less than a week. Just wait."

I laid down and thought about her once more, "she's changed so much."


"Why did I leave you?" Knowing full well why I left, I should've at least attempted to bring her with me.

"I put her through so much, but was I really the reason she became like that? She never saw me, when I began talking she never turned to look at me, instead she was looking at Mori then began playing with a scalpel he gave to her. She never once gave any of her attention to me. Is it possible she didn't care?"

"Maybe she didn't believe it was me? No, she would've looked at me then to see who it was, so the only logical explanation is she didn't care right?"

I pulled my pillow over my head, "fuck I'm overthinking this, when we become partners I'll ask her."
that's all folks! hope you enjoyed😂 i have a lot of free time so i'll probably post often but if you would like to reach me, you can always message me on insta @thirst_unquenched, i always answer my messages, also that is a new account, okay i wasted enough time, bye!👋🏻

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