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Your P.O.V.
The Mafia was really struggling, the fear of the Hunting Dogs catching any one of us really sank deep into the lower members. Within a week, our numbers were cut in half.

The letter sent panic throughout the entire organization, Mori addressed it at a large meeting.

**FLASHBACK TO 1 WEEK AGO 3rd person P.O.V.**
Mori stood in front of everyone, the 4 executives standing by his side.

"As I'm sure everyone is aware, the Hunting Dogs are our main issue."

Silence but everyone nodded agreeing.

"Due to recent information, they have decided to try and rip apart our organization however...where there is light there is always darkness. No matter what happens, no matter what they do, they cannot change that simple fact. You need to be prepared to lay down your life for the sake of the organization."

Silence again then cheering, "We aren't easy scared!"

"The Hunting Dogs won't know what hit em!"

Back to your P.O.V.
It had gotten to the point where I was sent to get Fyodor and Nikolai and bring them to Mori, he asked for their help in the situation.

They both didn't answer right away like I thought they would however they sill both agreed and now are full fledged members of the Mafia.

The Hunting Dogs however picked us off once by one, everyday on the news was a new member getting captured. Mori took action almost immediately.

"Dad this isn't healthy."

"Y/n." He said sternly, making me jump a bit. My eyes were fixated on the dark haired man. "We don't have time to waste, ask for Dazai's assistance please."

Without another word, I walked out and shook my head. "I'm not getting Dazai involved with this."

After a while, Mori went MIA. No one knew of his whereabouts or even seen him leave. This spun the panic the organization was feeling into oblivion, many others were confused and scared on how we were to fight the Hunting Dogs without Mori.

I wasn't bothered by this, Mori usually did this when it came to bigger issues, he'd go missing but turn up later with a big plan.

Others had faith in Mori, believing just that.

Mori hasn't came back for almost a week, I had started to get worried and think the worst, at home with Haruki and Dazai, the baby constantly asked for his papa and I never knew what to tell him.

Dazai placed a hand on my shoulder, "Baby, your dad is fine. You know as well as I do, he does this sometimes. On top of that, he's really stressed, stop worrying so much about him."

All my worry vanished, in the loving arms of Dazai and Haruki. Everything felt right...normal even, I loved them both dearly.

It wasn't until the news came on later a few days later that shocked the entire organization. I stood with Chuuya and Akutagawa watching, an interviewer was interviewing the Commander of the Hunting Dogs.

"Commander Fukuchi, how do you plan to take out the Mafia?"

"Oh, well. It's a secret for one...however I will tell you this. Cut off the head and the body dies."

The three of us looked at each other, shock plastered on each of our faces. "What?"

"Did he just say they got Mori?" Chuuya balled his hand into a fist and slammed it on the table, "Shit!"

Aku stood there silently but his expression was enough to show he was worried, "What do we do? The organization is already in a big state of panic, anymore and..."

But it was already too late, we heard screaming and shouting downstairs. The three of us rushed down to see the commotion.

"They couldn't have caught the Boss!"

"Face it, the Mafia is done!"

The three of us stood there as everyone was shouting.

"Everyone please calm down." The Black Lizard leader, Hirotsu took a step forward, "We are the Port Mafia. Why are you freaking out about a measly squad of dogs?"

The shouting soon stopped and everyone's eyes were on him, "We are the biggest unit in the city and we're freaking out about a 5 man squad?"

Tachihara and Gin stood by his side, "We'll destroy them like we did all of our other enemies! They are no different than anyone else."

This brought some of the spirit back, however there were people who argued, "The Boss is gone, you heard what he said! Without our head the body will die."

"As the Boss' former protégé, I suppose for the time being I will take lead." A familiar voice said

We turned our heads to see Dazai leaning against the wall, smiling, "Anything to make it easier on my lovely Y/n."

I stood shocked, "Dazai?"

"Yes love?" His warm smile was enough to make me lose all my worry. I walked towards him, "Why?"

"Well, Mori raised me for a specific situation like this. Although I do hate his guts, if it'll help you...I'll do this for him."

I hugged him and buried my face in his chest, his arms wrapped around me, pulling me closer. He kissed the top of my head and whispered, "Don't worry my love, everything will be fine."
not me finally having motivation🙄✋🏻 anyways- mori in a little pickle😗 i'm feeling actually really good about myself these past few days, i finally have my motivation to write again...despite having an essay due in like 2 days😅 stay safe and hydrated my lovelies❤️

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