It isn't your fault

651 14 21

3rd Person P.O.V.
B/n dragged Sigma from the room and up the steps.

"You'll probably sense people tailing us, don't think too much about it." The h/c haired male thoroughly examined Sigma's face, looking for any signs of discomfort.

"Okay, I'm use to it. Fyodor always had someone tail me as well." He said surprisingly calm.

Sigma watched as B/n slightly smiled, "You should smile more often, it's comforting to look at."

"I smile often." B/n lazily leaned against Sigma as the two were walking.

While walking, B/n almost ran into an elderly woman, Sigma pulled him closer to himself while giving the woman room to walk past. He pushed the tired man off of him, almost sending B/n to the floor before he snapped awake and regained balance, "Idiot, you need to watch where you're going."

"I usually walk and sleep at the same time, don't worry about it. I knew she was there." He argued

"Oh did you? If you knew she was there, why weren't you moving?" The older man crossed his arms and huffed, "I didn't get out of a jail cell to watch a kid."

"I'll have you know good sir, I am a growing boy. This is a very critical time in my development to manhood." B/n took a step closer to Sigma before lifting his face up, "So please take care of me~"

Sigma gave a defeated sigh before pushing B/n to the floor, he ran his fingers through his long hair before looking down at the boy, "You're annoying."

The older man walked off leaving B/n behind.
He got up and chuckled before jogging after his elder.

Sigma walked into the grocery store and started to put things of his choice in the basket, after getting everything he walked to the cash register. Mid way through his items being scanned, he realized he had no money.

He quickly looked around for B/n, hoping he was close behind. Sighing sadly, he looked at the woman and began to say, "Sorry I don-"

An arm wrapped around his lower back, , "Oi, don't just wander away from me. I'd get in biiiig trouble if you escaped." B/n's attention turned to the register, "Oh? You're buying food? With what money?"

Sigma glared at him then rolled his eyes, "If you so badly want a maid, pay for the food I'll be using."

"And if I don't?"

"I'll happily march right back in that cell."

B/n laughed before pulling out a credit card, handing it to the woman. Sigma then realized, B/n's hand never moved, in fact it was working its way down towards his right hip. He quickly slapped his hand away, "Fucking perv."

He glared at the younger boy once again and it seemed B/n had no idea what he was doing, he looked at Sigma confused, "Wait what did I do?"

The older man blinked a few times, waiting for the joke to be over, "You-"

He was cut off by the woman, "Okay, that's it. Thanks for coming!"

Sigma smiled, "Thank you." Picking up the bags and walking out, B/n repeated his earlier question, "Soooo, what did I do?"

"You can't just touch people without their consent you know, it's bad."

"Bad? The women I've been with seemed to like it so I do it to everyone, you're talking about my arm around your waist right?"

"Do I- Do I look like a woman to you?"

B/n, with a blank face said, "Do you really want to know?"

Sigma clicked his tongue before holding his hand in front of B/n's face, "No I do not."

They got to B/n's apartment and Sigma immediately turned to leave once B/n opened the door, B/n grabbed him by the arm, "Where are you going?"

"I never agreed to this!"

The h/c haired boy tilted his head in confusion, "Yes you did."

"Not to this!" Sigma pointed to the dirty apartment. B/n dragged him to the living room and set him on the couch, "You're dirtier than the entire apartment what's the issue?"

"The FUCK you just say?"

"I said-" Sigma picked up a nearby pillow and hitting him in the face.

He sat there for a moment before looking up and glaring at Sigma, who felt a chill run down his spine, he nonetheless stood his ground.

B/n's face twitched and he angrily grabbed Sigma by his already torn shirt. The older man had no idea how to reaction, the two men were sprawled out on the floor. B/n held Sigma's wrist tightly, tight enough that Sigma thought if he were to apply anymore pressure they'd snap.

B/n soon realized what he was doing and immediately stopped, looking down at Sigma, who looked calm but he couldn't hide the fear in his eyes.

"I- I'm sorry..." He lifted up and moved away from the older man.

"It's okay, I've heard a lot about you from the people who guarded me." Sigma crawled over to him and cupped his face, "What happened to you wasn't your fault B/n."
okay we lowkey starting to ship😳✋🏻 i've been taking care of myself more so yolo🤪 i hope everyone is doing good and stay safe and hydrated my lovelies❤️✨

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