Father and Daughter

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Your P.O.V.
I walked into town, waving back to Nikolai as he soon used his ability to disappear.

I went back to headquarters and went straight to Mori's office, I wasn't necessarily raised to have the best of manners so I just opened the door. Seeing Elise coloring while he was speaking to her.

His gaze met mine then he stood up, he looked irritated, "look Y/n, I know that you are friends with Nikolai and all but you need to think of the bigger picture. He's our enemy, he will be either taken prisoner or killed."

"I know, but if that's how it's gonna be, don't you think I should spend as much time with him as possible? Dad, you don't know the things he went through."

Mori sighed, then pat my head, "I know. I don't know neither of them, but I am the Port Mafia's Boss. You, being my daughter, if something were to ever happen to me, you would be the next head due to your experience in this field. I raised you to be my replacement. You need to stop thinking about things like love and friendship. Having ties to people like that will just put them in danger."

I looked down at the floor, Mori never really did like the fact I was driven by emotion, he always told me people would find a way to use them against me. He taught me how to be a ruthless killer but was disappointed when I told him I had a crush on Dazai. Of course he never stopped supporting me but just because you support something doesn't mean you like it.

Mori was one to make how he feels known to a person if he wants it to be, when I told him about my first date with Dazai, he told me Dazai would probably use me to better himself in the mafia. Due to the fact I'm Mori's daughter, I automatically have a lot of enemies and have a lot of people competing against me

I never liked the fact I grew up in the Mafia but Mori tried his best to make it my home and my home it was made. At this point the mafia is the only place I feel most at home at. I don't want to be anywhere else.

"Y/n. I know it's hard, I don't want you to be hurt in the future."

I looked at him, confused, "what?"

"I had someone I really loved too...I'm not immune to human emotions either, everyone no matter how dysfunctional can forget emotions. Our emotions make us act wildly."

Someone he loved?

"How you are now...I was just like you at a time." He said quietly, keeping his eyes glued to the floor.

It took a second to process what he was telling me, "You were?"

"Yes, there once was a woman who I fell in love with. We kept it secret for obvious reasons. We planned on marriage, children, etc. but then when a rival group found out, they kidnapped her and brutally killed her, they sent me the video they took."

I remembered when Mori cared for me after my torture incident, those bad memories must've came back to haunt him. I hugged him, "I'm sorry, that video of me must've brought back some bad memories."

"It did, but it's alright. You made it, she wasn't lucky enough to." He held me. Out of all the years Mori and I rarely ever hugged, but when we did, it was just casual. This was the tightest I've ever been embraced by him.

I never knew just how much my father was suffering, how much he tried so hard to protect, how many secrets he has when I thought I knew him better than anyone. He truly was a sad man.

I follow Mori, Mori is my Boss but that doesn't mean it's not hard to work under your father, he purposely gives me much harder jobs than the rest and gives me time frames to complete them. He worked me to the bone, even when I tried to give up, he wouldn't let me. He nurtured me into a killing machine.

All these years, I had doubts about him, about the way he raised me. I had always thought he was taking advantage of me or something similar. He didn't like most of the things I chose to do, I wanted to have fun and be a child. I wanted to be in love with someone. Of course it's a teenager thing to want to run away and start a new life when your parents don't support something you do.

All of a sudden these doubts disappeared. After everything he's put me through, after all he did, he did it all so I can be strong. So I have a fighting chance against enemies. So I live.

He always told me, "in the world we live in today, it's kill or be killed. Do you understand? You must kill in order to survive."

He was hard on me growing up because he wanted me to have a fighting chance. He didn't want me to end up like that woman, he truly cared for me...I knew this all already but it wasn't like Mori to show this much emotion.

From the outside, it must look like we're really close but the truth is, my father and I aren't as close as he'd like us to be.

He ran his hand through my hair, "Y/n, promise me you won't die."

I held onto him tighter, "I promise Dad."

He looked down at me, "and from now on, we'll have a father-daughter day every week. I want to get closer to you."

I nodded and put my head against his chest, he kissed my head.
it's finally the weekend and i just woke up. still got really bad writers block but we chilling😎 like usual, this isn't proofread, adios amigos~

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