How I Feel...

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Your P.O.V.
I hoped for the best, the Port Mafia was on standby, when they successfully detached every official from the machine, we were to be in a given position, ready to take action.

The Black Lizard were the rescue team, they were going to make a full retreat under ground with the officials while the executive trio (Myself, Aku, and Chuuya) and backup members were going to charge in.

The four men ran out and that's when the plan began, we all took of running. I ran ahead of the rest, all I could think about was Niko and if he was safe

"Oi! Y/n!" Chuuya yelled back at me, only then did I realize I was about to get shot at, I took a gun from my waistband and shot them first. "We split up and search for injured."

They nodded and we took off in three different directions. Lucky me, I ran into Atsushi, of course fighting Niko.

Niko turned his attention to me then his eyes widened, he completely discard Atsushi, took out a knife and began running towards me. I also took out a knife.

"What are you doing here?" He asked in a whisper

"I had to make sure you were alright. The fuck were you thinking doing something as reckless as this?!" I scolded him, still in a whisper

"I told you this was the plan."

"I know that! But who ordered this? It couldn't have been-"

"You're right. It couldn't have been Dos, but due to him being locked up I haven't received any orders. I know if we just sit here and wait that they'll get suspicious so I did something. Granted it may not be the best choice but-"

"Why didn't you just ask me? I could've helped!"

"If you get found out as a double agent, they'll kill you. I won't risk it."

Atsushi screamed toward me, "Y/n? Are you alright?!"

Nikolai jumped back and cut my hand, "yea, I'm fine. Hurry up and go, I'll take care of this."

"Thank you!"

"Go look for injured, members of the mafia charged the building."

That was what we had been tasked, we weren't to fight, but of course Nikolai and I never did intend to fight each other.

Once Atsushi left, we both let out a relieved sigh, "you're an idiot."

"I know I know. This was just a little thing to do until Fyodor can successfully give orders."

I nodded, "I'll find a way to pitch in."

"No N/n. You're already jeopardizing yourself being here with me. You know better than anyone, in this given case you shouldn't trust anything I say."


"No buts N/n! Go. You need to do what you came here for. Sooner or later, Mori will begin to get suspicious of you, maybe he'll even question your loyalty."

"I'm loyal to my family."

Nikolai let out a frustrated sigh then his eyes softened, "I seriously can't ever win against you."

"No sir!"

Nikolai pulled me into a hug, "you have to go now."

My guard was completely down, Nikolai had me by a window and I didn't even notice, he pushed me hard enough to break the glass and I began to fall four stories.

Nikolai had a cold face on after he did it, as if he was telling me "don't come back anymore" as he was turning around he mouthed something to me,

"Stop thinking of me as a childhood friend, I'm your enemy Y/n."

He knew I wouldn't listen but just hoped. He wanted to protect me...

Nikolai's P.O.V.
I didn't turn around to see if she was hurt, I heard something hit the ground then a roar of shouting.

I knew she'd keep coming, but I had to push her away every time. I wanted to at least protect her, to make up for all the years I didn't get to spend with her, all the years she was hurt and didn't speak up. I didn't want to, I wanted to be embraced by her...

I wanted to be the only man she saw

But of course, that was already impossible since she was in love with Dazai, so I'll have to settle with just being her childhood friend. Maybe if she never disappeared, maybe if I did something different during the time we spent together, she would've fell in love with me and not him. I couldn't help but feel jealous, all the love and affection I've wanted my entire life, was all given to a man who doesn't even know the side of her I know.

I was pulled out of thought by my phone ringing, "Gogol speaking~!"

"We have received orders from Master Fyodor." Ivan said through the phone

My eyes widened. I took a deep breath then nodded, "what are they?"

"I was able to explain to him how we decided to do this on your call, he said kill all the officials in brutal ways then use 'the thing' and that's all he said."

Sounds like Dos, "alright~!"

I hung up then chewed my bottom lip, "N/n..."

A mafia member came running at me, while another stood in a shooting position.

I waved then said "baiii~" I grabbed part of my cloak then used my ability to vanish.
this is a shorter chapter but i have finally decided that nikolai, my baby, will be in love with the reader but- it is unrequited😭 NIKO BABYYYYYY💔 no cap my heart broke writing this chapter, this shit hurted
maybe i should write a nikolai x reader book😳
any other characters you want to see written?

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