His Past

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Third Person P.O.V.
As his father struck him, his mother cried in the corner, unable to give her son any type of protection.

Fear and loneliness was all his life was at this point, until one day he met that man....

Fyodor Dostoevsky. Fyodor had offered a life outside of the one the little boy grew up to know, it made him happy to see someone cared so much.

This little boy had extreme intelligence and was able to read people just by their facial expressions, posture, etc. it was only then did he realize Fyodor only intended to use him, which at this point the boy was perfectly fine with that, he wanted to leave his home.

He finally stood up to his drunken father, after years of pain. His mother, who was shocked to see such a display, quickly stopped her son, apologizing to her husband who almost fell due to him losing his footing. His calm expression soon turned angry, he grabbed the boys mother by her dark brown hair and start screaming at her.

Her green eyes showed a terrified look, her son soon took action, he needed to protect her. Even at the cost of his own life.

He called out to his father but his words weren't reaching him, then he ran upstairs and took a baseball bat from his room, allowing it to hit the stairs as he ran back down them.

He went after his fathers legs, breaking a kneecap. The drunken man let out a howl of pain before throwing his wife to the floor. He also fell to the floor and in a moment of pure anger, the son start to beat his father.

After all the years he was beat, after all the years he watched his mother get beat, he decided it was time to give his father his own beating.

"Violence breeds more violence." Was all the brown haired boy could say. He looked down at his father, he was covered in red, he looked as if he had be deflated, his fathers blood began to spread to the carpet. That's when the boy noticed, he stopped breathing.

He just killed his own father, his mother who watched the whole thing in shock, unbeknownst to her son was planning on divorcing her husband so her son could live a more peaceful life...that peacefulness disappeared.

She coughed severely, as if she'd drop dead right after she finished, she began to gasp for air as she couldn't breathe.

The son, covered in blood, jumped over the couch, to help his mother, he grabbed a pair of car keys.

"We have to get as far away from here as possible." He said, the blood smeared on the keys.

The mother, who saw her son instead of a monster, smiled and touched his bloody face, she's now noticed how big her little boy has gotten. He was 13 now, but yet was roughly the same height as his mother.

"Mom, go get in the car, I'm going to clean up here."

She nodded then took the bloodied keys from her son and walked to the door. The son turned back to his father, angered at the fact he died, "You just gonna lay there?"

He felt crazy, he was actually expecting his father to respond, despite all that he began to clean the blood up, he knew if anyone would investigate the house then they would find the blood.

He tried his best to clean it up using bleach and such. He changed his clothes then discarded them, lighting them on fire and watched as they turned to ash. He was scared.

"What if people find out? What will happen?"

He called the only person he believed would understand, Fyodor.


"Fyodor- I just- I just killed my father."

Fyodor's tone didn't change, it was like he was used to this sort of behavior, "have you cleaned up all the blood?"

"Mostly." He said, his voice shaky.

Another man began to speak, "Tell him he needs to make it look like a kidnapping."

"Ahh. Good idea Niko. Hey kid, you there?"

"I heard him...make it look like a kidnapping how?"

"Trash the house entirely, a boy of your age wouldn't be able to lift your father up even using the help of your frail mother."

To his mother in the car, she was crying. Shouldn't you feel scared of someone who just murdered someone you loved? Yet all she felt was pure happiness. That man wasn't good for her frail health condition anyway, when she'd 'act out of line' he refused to give the poor woman her medication.

Her son walked out of the house, carrying a bag, he opened the car down and immediately got in. Not a lot of people live in this neighborhood, so leaving should be easy.

"Mom, drive to this location."

"J-Jason? Are you working with criminal organizations?"

"Trust me mom, this is to help you and only you."

It's been 3 years since they 'disappeared' the police gave up searching, since no ransom demand was offered, there was nothing the police could do. Bethany and her son Jason were assumed to be dead while the father, Matt, was confirmed dead in their house.

Many things have changed about Jason since then, he got taller and he was a member of the rats. A higher level member, of the Decay of Angels. He made enough money to take care of his mother and had her in a calm environment, completely different to the ones she was used to.

He especially changed, he lost his violent urges and began talking it out with everyone, he was a good spirited boy who's words carried value to whoever head them.

The boy even changed his name, there was soon an incident where he was captured by the mafia. His mother was terrified her son wouldn't come home alive, but he did.

B/f returned alive and in good spirit, like always.
so i couldn't think of anything to write so the first idea that popped into my head was "go deeper in b/f's backstory" so this is completely half-assed.

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