The Beginning of Hatred

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Your P.O.V.
"You're nothing more than a mistake!" She screamed as she plunged a knife into my right hand.

I screamed out before I started crying, "Shut up! Shut up, shut up, shut up!"

The door, there was a knock, she jumped off me then kicked me under the table, "be a good girl for once and keep your mouth shut." She threw a towel at me, then I heard the door open.

"It's unusual for you to come around this late, my husband might come home early~"

"Shh. No one has to know about us. Just be a good girl and do as I say."

I heard sucking then soon later the sounds moans and skin slapping...she sounded so happy, yet why does she look at me with such hatred in her e/c eyes?

"Ahh~ I'm gonna- mmpf!"

"Shh~ don't be so noisy, we might be heard~"

I felt as if I was going to throw up. Soon it was over, then I heard the door knob began to turn again, "hurry up and hide somewhere!"

I heard heavy footsteps run up the stairs before the door opened, "honey, welcome back!"

"Where's Y/n?"

She didn't want her cover to be blown, the man she was just with had no idea I was still here, "at a friends house, which means we're all alone~"

The man sounded as if he resisted her advances, "I'm tired I'm going to sleep."

"I'll be outside then."

"Why?" There was silence for a moment, "oh I see, have fun with that."

After around 20 minutes, there was the sound of whispering, "hurry up and take off running when I open the door."


The door creaked opened I heard footsteps leading out, then a man entered the kitchen, his footsteps fell short right in front of the table, he leaned down and lifted the tablecloth.

He smiled as he seen me, a frightened look was plastered of my face before I realized who it was.

"Come on out Y/n, it'll be okay. Daddy will always be here for you."

I sniffled and began to cry in his arms, clinging to him as if it was the end of the world, "there there, Daddy's here now. Let's get that hand patched up. I'm sorry I wasn't here to protect you. My job is getting in the way of your own safety with her."

I had four siblings. One older brother and my three younger siblings, two girls and one boy, they were always treated with such kindness from her, why couldn't I be the same?

My father entered the house, "I'm home."

"Daddy!" The younger one ran in his direction, he began to pat his head, before his gaze shifted to me, he chuckled, "N/n, every time I see you, you have more bruises, don't go coming all those trees or you'll scar yourself."

My father acted as if he was completely oblivious to what my mother was doing to me and what she was doing to him, however despite all that he showed his affection for me way more than the other children.

I felt as if he knew I was weaker than the other children but it was the opposite, he showed so much affection towards me because I was the only child who did receive any, the amount of love I got from him was enough to cover both of their parts.

"A little higher!"

I threw the knife again, "for such a young little thing, you're great at this! Good job!"

He rubbed my head, praising me, "Y/n, you are the best. Don't let anyone ever break your spirit."

I nodded and began throwing the knives again, unlike the other children, Daddy trusted me with his job and stuff, he even personally trained me, he taught me how to aim and shoot a gun, how to use a knife and even the basics of fighting.

I knew Daddy was a trained assassin in the mafia, what they called an executive, I looked up to him, he was amazing. He was so fearless and strong. I wanted to be just like him.

Just like him...

My two younger sisters were 4 years younger than me, all they did was crawl around and whine. My youngest brother, was 3 a year younger than us. My older brother and I were twins, however it was more like he symbolized light while I symbolized dark.

We were polar opposites, he was smart and got good grades, I was nothing more than a pretty girl, Mommy always told me my looks were the only thing I had going for me.

It wasn't that I was stupid, it was I didn't want to be like my brother, so I acted different to stand out. I was a quick learner, I adapted to my surroundings faster than anyone around me.

I could've gotten good grades if I wanted to, it just never really clicked with me. My father never seemed to be upset by that choice either, instead he wouldn't even bring up my grades but teach me more about the basics of killing someone,

"Now, someone of your size couldn't possibly take on someone as big and strong as me, so you'll have to improvise if that ever happens..."

I listened to the lesson and watched my father swing the knife, I was completely capitative by the thought of taking someone else's life.

But there was one person in particular I wanted to hurt more than anything...
i, again, didn't have any ideas so i just quickly thought of this, sorry if it doesn't make sense😔 it's the thought that counts! alright, i hope you all are safe and have a good day/night❤️

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