A Lecture From Fyodor

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3rd Person P.O.V.
After hearing the story, dramatic hand gestures and all, Nikolai sat down with the group, "Dos and Author-Chan bully me a lot, Atsushi." He complained whilst pawing at the young white haired man.

"With the way you act, you're asking to get bullied." Fyodor said sarcastically, "Besides I told you not to go out until we were sure it was safe to, we can endanger her life you fucking idiot."

Nikolai grabbed onto Atsushi and buried his face in his shoulder, "Do you see how mean he is to me?! And...and...it was me and him against the world before we met her!"

Atsushi was freaking out about how to console Nikolai, unsure what to do he patted his head, "It'll be okay, I'm sure things will get better. He just seems really concerned for her safety...?"

Fyodor, who sat across the table, crossed his arms and gave a frustrated sigh, "Nikolai, take this seriously."

"Yea seriously, you'd want to endanger little ol' me?" Author-Chan started to sob dramatically into Fyodor's shoulder, he didn't seem to find it a bit funny.

Nikolai lifted his head from Atsushi's shoulder, "Yea, yea I do want to endanger you. I hope the cops find out about you fucking fugitives!"

Atsushi looked back at Chuuya and Akutagawa in hopes of some help, however the two were holding back their laughter as much as they could.

A waitress walked to the table, "Excuse me kids, can you be a little quieter? We have other guests here and if you don't lower the tone we'll have to ask you to leave."

"I apologize on behalf of these two." Fyodor bowed his head slightly and forced Author-Chan to bow hers as well. Nikolai sighed and then bowed his head.

The waitress nodded and then walked away, "Don't do this stupid shit in public again, if we get noticed it really can be bad for her, Nikolai."

Nikolai pouted before nodding slowly, Fyodor turned his attention to Author-Chan, "Now you."

"What?! What did I do?" She glared at Nikolai then turned her focus to Fyodor.

"You played along, do you not realize that you can get seriously hurt for being involved with the two of us if word gets out? You understand we are still being looked for, right? You should understand the consequences of drawing attention to us."

"How come I got a full lecture and Niko didn't? He started it."

"You're both stupid."

Atsushi felt as if he was pocket sized at this point, Fyodor's words felt so powerful and dripped with intimidation, nonetheless he felt responsible, "M-Mr. Fyodor...It's not just their faults, it's everyone at the table's fault because they didn't try to stop it, don't be so rough on them."

Fyodor looked at Atsushi, "Have you been a fugitive that is being looked for? Are you supposed to be taken down at any and all costs? Are you living by constantly looking over your shoulder and trying to look after the people closest to you but they're idiots and don't know how to act in a public setting?" He looked at Author-Chan, "And you wanted to call me an idiot."

The two sat in silence, although they were used to being lectured by Fyodor, it felt different because he was actually serious and worried about their safety.

Atsushi picked his own brain before even thinking about responding to him. He was once a fugitive, he was once on the run but Fyodor has different intentions. He wants to keep this girl safe along with himself and Nikolai. He didn't care about anyone else, no one mattered to him but those two.

"I won't do it again, Dos...so please..." Nikolai reached for his hand over the table before crying, "Don't be mad at me..."

Fyodor placed a hand on his hand, "I'm not mad just be more careful, sorry for being harsh."

Nikolai let out a laugh before pulling back, "I got you again!"

Atsushi looked at Nikolai then back at Fyodor, "N-Nikolai maybe you should stop...you might irritate him."

Chuuya and Akutagawa looked at each other before laughing again.

**With B/n and Sigma**
B/n's head was laid out on Sigma's lap as his legs hung over the couch because of the position he was in, Sigma flicked through channels while running his fingers through B/n's h/c hair, "B/n, was it necessary to try and put a scare into the mafia?"

"No, honestly they'll probably let Mori go soon like they did with Fyodor."

"Wasn't he broken out?"

"I prefer the term 'let go' because it doesn't imply what actually happened because it was on my watch but yes, someone'll bust in there some time to try and break 'im out."

"And you'll do what?"

"Honestly, I don't care. Armed Detective Agency, Port Mafia, Hunting Dogs, none of it matters to me."

"Why's that?"


Sigma let out a soft sigh, B/n looked up at him, "What?"

"Nothing, I'm just glad you're doing better."

B/n closed his eyes, softly smiling to himself.
it's been like 2 weeks? sorry about that! i was doing a lot i finally cleaned my room and we're getting ready to go back to school, enjoy this non proof read chapter

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