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Your P.O.V.
I sighed heavily when I was summoned to Mori's office once again, when I opened the door, I wore a face of discomfort.

Elise ran to me and hugged me. I looked down at her and she smiled, Mori wasn't in his usual attire. Instead he was in a normal looking attire covered with a doctors coat.

He turned to me and ruffled my hair, he took my executive coat off and hung it up next to his usual coat. He smiled at me, saying nothing.

Elise grabbed my hands and led me out the door. Mori soon appeared behind us. We walked around town, either Mori or myself saying anything.

Before we walked into a sweet shop, Elise turned around and showed a angered face, "you guys are a family, act like it!"

I blinked a few times then looked at Mori, who rubbed the back of his head nervously, "Sorry Elise."

Elise turned around, with her hands on her hips, she made a little "hmph" noise before opening the door, entering first.

I followed behind her, holding the door for people who were walking out, Mori grabbed the door and gestured for me to go inside.

I scoffed, "not even a simple thank you. People these days."

Mori chuckled before my eyes met his, they looked as if they were full of regret. I turned to him while Elise was picking out her sweets, "What's wrong?"

"You were able to tell?" Mori asked, making it completely obvious he was ignoring the question.

"Your eyes don't lie to me Dad."

He let out a deep sigh, then moved his hair out of his face, "I feel like I was too harsh on you."

"You do?"

"Well I did tell you I didn't want you seeing him anymore. Knowing you, you probably found a way around that to contact him."

"I did contact him."

Mori sighed again, "I figured."

"I told him from now on we're enemies."

His eyes widened at this response, "you did what?"

"I was told by you that I wasn't allowed to see him. You do so much for me and protect me when you don't have to. The least I can do in return in listen to your decisions. You're not just my boss but my father as well."

Mori smiled, then pulled me into a hug, Elise soon called out to him, he let me go then turned to her, "you ready?"

She nodded then began to jump up and down. Mori brought out his wallet and began to pay for her sweets, we sat in a booth and watched her eat them.

"Y/n, thank you for respecting my decision."

I shook my head, "Dad, I should've fought back against him instead of falling out that window."

"You should've but it's alright. Mistakes are meant to be made, you can't be perfect."

I nodded, but something else felt off about Mori, he seemed more gloomy than usual. For someone who works a job in a dangerous organization, then being the boss of said organization, he never really let his emotions get the best of him, but now....

I had a window break then screams. I didn't know what was happening, my first instinct was to protect Mori and Elise. I did so, I broke the table and kicked it up, hiding the three of us behind it.

"Did you see what's happening?" I turned to Mori, he was frozen.


He didn't respond, my eyes widened when I seen blood dripping down his hand, I couldn't see where the bleeding came from, I began to freak out. I looked at Elise which meant he was still alive.

I didn't know what happened, was it an assassin? No, assassins don't make such flashy entrances.

My head began to hurt, I positioned myself in front of Mori, "Elise, take him and go back to headquarters."

"What about you?"

"I'll be fine, just go. Dont look back either."

"But Y/n-"

"If he dies, then the organization will crumble, if I die, it'll just be a executive loss, I'm replaceable. Please just go."

"Promise me you'll come back alive."

I stretched out my arm and intertwined our pinkies, "When you get back tell Chuuya and Akutagawa what happened and have them come with in case I need back up."

"Okay." She nodded then broke the window, escaping with Mori.

I closed my eyes and sighed deeply, I looked from behind the table....


What's happening?

"Y/n!" It was Mori's voice. I heard clapping then I opened my eyes to see Mori and Elise, perfectly fine in front of me.

I squeezed my eyes shut, then opened them again...they were there, Mori was unharmed.

"What was that?"

"Are you okay?" Mori was now, kneeling next to me, he seen I was sweating, "what happened?"

I explained to him what happened, "it sounds like you were hallucinating."

"Are hallucinations suppose to feel real?"

"That's why they're called hallucinations, I'll see if I can get you some medication for it. You had me scared for a second."

"You had me scared. I thought you were dead for a second." I felt something stream down my face, I realized I was crying. Mori smiled and pulled me into a hug.

Elise crawled under the table and rubbed my back. I sniffled then realized there were people around. I turned my head towards Elise and she smiled, crawling back to her spot. Mori sat down, "alright well. Let's enjoy a good family day."

I nodded, drying my tears. Then a person entered my mind and I envisioned a picture of them

sorry this chapter is a little later than most, i woke up really late😅 like usual being the lazy bitch i am this is not proofread and this chapter may seem confusing idk i just put something together since i still have writers block

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