"I love you"

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Dazai's P.O.V.
Like usual, I woke up with Y/n in my arms, her eyes looked puffy from all the crying she did last night, I took her drinking and then, a weeping mess happened.

"Mori...ish...*hic* mehan fur dat." (Mori is mean for that)

I laughed and sipped at my sake, I looked upon her again and seen her sniffling.

"Does Mori love me?" Her slur immediately went away, which was just like her, usually she slurred for fun, or from what I knew.

"Am I really worthless?" She always tended to let her true self, traits or habits she'd never let anyone else see out when she was intoxicated. All the emotions she keeps bottled up, fear, anxiety, sadness, even happiness. She began to cry,

I smiled then ruffled her hair, "of course not. Y/n, Mori is proud of you. I know he is."

"You think so?" She rested her head on my chest, I ran my fingers through her hair and responded with, "I do."

She fell asleep in my arms, the barkeep waved me off as I piggybacked Y/n out of the door. I truly did love this girl, something about her was just different based on every girl I was ever with. She seemed to love me for me not what I look like.

"Y/n..." I whispered, resting my head on hers, "I truly love you, you know? You're absolutely perfect and you're so-"

She pulled my face towards her and kissed me, "I love you too Dazai."

"Y-You do?" I asked shakily, now completely unsure of myself, she's the only person to ever see the more romantic side of me.

"Of course I do, I never stopped idiot." She nuzzled up in my neck and my face reddened.

"I- I love you more!" I exclaimed immediately.

She pulled her head up and became to slur on purpose, "noooooo~ i wuv chuuu mureee." (I love you more)

I smiled and began to laugh, "how cute, Y/n. I'm serious I love you."

I put her down and kissed her again, "you're beautiful."

"Awww~ you're beautiful too Dazai." She smiled then began giggling

"Hey! I am really beautiful I'll have you know."

"Yes." She giggled then ruffled my hair, I held her by her waist, "you're so cute."

She smiled then began to pull me in the direction of the park, "you wanna go to the park?"

"Yea! You're gonna push me on the swings like you always did!"

"Alright alright calm down." I smiled then patted her head.

She led me to the park then slipped in a baby swing, "Y/n, you're gonna get stuck." I laughed then got behind her.

"Push!" She slurred again, I pushed her and she giggled. She always had the mind of a child when she was drunk, I laughed at her child like behavior, once she started kicking herself I sat down on a swing next to her.

I began to swing myself,  "Y/n."

"Hmm?" She asked now trying to get out of the swing. She couldn't, like I told her she couldn't.

"Do you want to commit double suicide with me?"

Her eyes lit up, "really?! How?!"

She finally got frustrated after trying to get out of the swing, she used her last method, her brute strength, she pulled and ripped the swing off of her, then smiled at me as if nothing happened.

I laughed, then threw her over my shoulder and began to run to a bridge. I smiled then jumped, Y/n held onto to my neck then kissed me again.

"Dazai, I love you."

"I love you too Y/n."

Nothing more than a splash, I surfaced first, laughing then looked around for Y/n, she came up behind me and pulled me down and laughed.

I pulled her leg, pulling her under too. We both surfaced again and began swimming around. I soon realized we had all of our personal belongings on us still, "Y/n~ come on let's go home."

She began swimming towards me, very very slowly.

I laughed, "you don't know how to swim well?"

"Shut up! I'm working on it. A work in progress!"

"Of course, come on, let's get out."

"Let's throw ourselves off a building next time."

"Good point, we probably should of did that instead." I scratched my head. Once we got out I patted myself down, the river took both my wallet and my phone.

"How nice, anyway let's go home."

"Kay~!" She said pulling my arm.

Once we got back to my house, we immediately started taking off our clothes. "Can you redo my bandages?"

She nodded then pulled off her shirt, forgetting it was a button up. I sat down on the bed and threw a towel over my head. Y/n grabbed an almost empty roll of bandages and began wrapping them over my arms. She stopped then suddenly shook her head violently. I laughed at this action then questioned, "what's you do that for?"

"Water was dripping on my leggy." She responded with a straight face. I laughed again and then took the towel off of my head and began drying her hair.

After she got up and went to my closet and got a dress shirt of mine and slipped it on. She then got under the covers next to me and placed her head on my chest, then just like that, she was out.

I wrapped my arm around her and laid my head on top of hers. Then I fell asleep.

I nudged on Y/n, she groaned then turned over, "Y/n~ wake up."

"No." She pushed my face away from her, "go away."

"Don't you need to be at headquarters right now?"

She sprang up, "Dazai...would you mind doing my test?"


"My drug test."

"Sure, I can do it for you."

"Thank you." She got out of bed and began getting dressed, she kissed my forehead before heading for the door, "well I'm heading out, bye love you~"


I laid back down, god I love her.
hey y'all, so i'm not dead but this took awhile because i literally did not know what to write about, so enjoy this, this isn't proofread

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