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Mori's P.O.V.
I looked at the clock, 11:24pm. I seen that Y/n had already fallen asleep so I turned the tv off and grabbed the blanket that was already covering myself and covered her.

She was sleeping against my shoulder so I tried to not to move all that much, it's not everyday we get to do something like this and it felt really nice to act like a normal family for once.

When she first joined the mafia, we kept our status as a family secret because I believed she'd be targeted by either enemy organizations or even people in my own. It's not well known but there are people who know I forcibly took the spot of boss, who in their right mind would leave a plain doctor to lead? No one. I'm sure there are many different theories about what happened, I also felt bad for Dazai since he had to watch that happen.

When I found out Dazai's feelings toward my little girl, I wanted to end him right then and there. I started to use her name to get him to work and such, which is something I'm not necessarily proud of but it helped us in times we needed help.

I also couldn't say I wasn't scared of Dazai, the fear of him taking my place was there even if it wasn't that large. He did weird me out, with all the suicidal tendencies the boy has but that never bothered Y/n.

Until I found out why, Y/n was in love with him as well, they shared the same feelings, why would she fall in love with someone so...strange? I witnessed it myself when I started to see them hang out way more than they should've, then it progressed to them being completely inseparable, to them holding hands, and finally to them sharing their affection for each other (i love you n shit like that).

I never understood it, why him? I always thought she blended better with Chuuya and would end up with him, Dazai just seemed-...different than she was.

He was constantly trying to commit suicide, always reading about it, and talking about it every chance he could. What was appealing about him?

It made me think, "maybe she felt the same way about life?" What if my daughter wanted to die but never expressed it? Dazai seemed to want to kill himself not from the actual pain and suffering he endured but almost as if it's just something to do, like a hobby.

Someone like him could easy get into her mind and make her do things she normally wouldn't do, Y/n was a girl who followed any orders she was given and she carried them out in the timeframe I gave her. When she started to get closer and closer to him she stopped being so obedient and started being more rebellious.

Even if she does everything I say now, she still does her own thing whether I want her to or not, so I've grown accustom to not saying anything when she stumbles in my office drunk or with a hangover.

Oda was a good influence on her, he meant a lot to her as a bestfriend. Although she never knew Ango and I never told her about his betrayal, she knew Dazai had close friends other than her and that made her happy.

She started drinking more than usual after Oda's death, I heard cries from her office when she believed the hallways were empty. Oda's death tore her and Dazai both apart and Dazai added insult to injury when he left the mafia without her knowing.

She became so consumed with sadness, when she walked in a room it was like you felt all of the pain she was bearing, I forced her to stop coming to work for a while, just so she could have some alone time and think to herself.

It made me sad when I saw her, she wouldn't come out of her room and I'd have to force her to eat. It wasn't the best situation, I knew that Oda was really good with children and wanted to help orphans, so I sent her on a "mission" to an orphanage, when she came back she looked normal.

Normal didn't mean much, but she didn't look so sad and I called that a win, I'm sure Oda's death still bothers her but she was in the best place possible here.

She belonged here.
i've noticed the chapters are getting shorter and i apologize for that, it's really hard for me to think of things to write about now that i'm back to do this bullshit online school

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