Biased Opinions

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Your P.O.V.
I still wasn't sure where Dazai had disappeared to, that boy yesterday, his name was b/f (your boy bestfriend's/any male close to you's name)

I had told him all about what happened to Dazai, he told me that he would look into it if he could. What a wonderful person.

I was scared, I was scared that Dazai might not be alive anymore, but what scared me even more was what we were going to do without him. Fyodor will be a tricky opponent, I'm not sure myself if strategies I think of will be enough.

As well as I know Dazai, I can't ever tell what he's thinking, how the hell am I supposed to go up against Fyodor, who is similar to Dazai in almost every way possible? I know that Fyodor was taken to a prison of sorts and he is no longer able to use his ability but there's no way he would willingly went along if he didn't have a plan ready. I'm guessing he's able to contact people on the outside, but how?

My head was flooded with questions and I couldn't answer all of them, how will I defeat him? Nikolai is more of a threat than ever, how will I defeat him? That Ivan guy goes off every single word Fyodor says, if Fyodor can make contact with him, how will I proceed?

"Fuck..." I took my hands and frantically ruffled my hair out of pure irritation, messing it up completely.

B/f walked into my office, "Hey Y/n, you think Fyodor can contact the outside?"

"Yes actually. It wouldn't make sense if Fyodor got caught and willingly went if he didn't have a plan."

"I see, alright well. I did find out where Dazai is."

My eyes lit up, "really?! Where?!"

"Same place where Fyodor is."

"Dazai was arrested?"

"Due to my research...illegal research, I have found that Dazai was arrested not to long ago on a crap ton of charges."

I remembered, "charges that consist of 138 conspiracy murders, 312 blackmails and 625 other frauds."

"Yea how'd you know?"

"Ango, when Dazai was leaving the mafia, he wanted him to have a new life so he erased all of his past crimes."

"You know a lot about Dazai, I'm sorry you weren't clear with this before you love him?"

"Yes." I blushed slightly, "I do."

B/f smiled, "I see. He's very lucky."

I smiled then shook my head, "We need to get back to work!"

He chuckled then messed with his hair in nervousness, "Yea sorry about that."

"Oh yea." He started again, "I also found out about Nikolai Gogol and that Ivan guy like you asked."

"You did?" I tilted my head in confusion, this kid was great.

"Yea, you see Nikolai's ability allows him to teleport what appears to be himself and objects and/or people near him. Ivan's ability can control the earth, you already knew that though. Although he was defeated, he wasn't killed which makes us think he'll come back to attack."

"Yea, but I didn't know much about Niko's abili-" I covered my mouth, hoping he didn't hear what I just called Nikolai.

"Did you just call him 'Niko'?"

"Uhhh- no?" I sat there chuckling nervously.

"My ears didn't deceive me, so you know Nikolai?"

I sighed heavily, "Fyodor and Nikolai lived down the street from me when I was a kid, I've known them before I joined the mafia and before the death of my family."

" why aren't you protecting them?"

"Trust me, I've done my fair share of helping them already."

He laughed, "like what?"

"Well a year and a half ago Nikolai ran into some trouble with a neighboring gang in this town, in his search to find Fyodor again. This was before he became known along with the rats, but I sent 2 of my most trusted subordinates to protect him when he was clearly able to do it himself."

"I see...and Fyodor?"

"The Dragon Head Conflict 2 years ago; I helped out Fyodor find whatever his name was."

"Shibusawa you mean?"

"Yea yea, that guy. He's dead now so who cares?"

"That's awful." He said while chuckling, "but I see now, you have helped them out a lot since you guys were children."

"Yea, I think they're good people, they both have good intentions, they're misunderstood."

"Well that's kind of biased coming from you since you know them, they've shown you they're nicer sides while we're stuck with fighting them and they're dangerous."

"I suppose so. More than anything, Nikolai definitely doesn't like the way Fyodor runs things, he hates the fought people losing their freedom, an example is brainwashing."

"Didn't Fyodor-"

"Brainwash that priest guy from the Guild? Yes."

"And Nikolai still follows-"

"Nikolai doesn't follow Fyodor, he's just gotten too deep and Fyodor is the only one that understands Nikolai, while besides me of course but we've kinda just been reunited."

"Yea, it's understandable. What do you think their next move will be?"

"If Fyodor can contact people on the outside, they won't do anything but wait for his orders."

"And Nikolai is more of a threat than ever."

"Exactly, we need to find a way to defeat him, or at least find a way to stop them."

"Right. Well..." he said then stood up, he walked out of my office and left the door wide open, I was confused to what he was doing.

I saw a huge stack of books, folders and files walk in on a pair of legs. I couldn't see his face, he set them down next to the door,

"Time to get to work."

I sighed heavily, "please tell me you're kidding."

i have returned with another chapter, i was lazy with b/f's name so you may call him what you want. i'm really not liking not being able to go to school because my whole state is apparently getting ready to go on lockdown or whatever so yay for that, but i hope you guys stay safe~

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