Fyodor and Nikolai

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Your P.O.V.
I woke up next to Dazai, like usual at this point, then glanced at the ring on my finger, blushing slightly. I thought it was a dream, it seemed too good to be true. I got up and got dressed, I looked at my phone then realized I had an executive meeting today. I rushed out and hurried to hq.

"Y/n, you're late." Mori said, sitting in a chair, all the five executives were now present.

Kouyou spoke first, "if you are consistent with being late maybe it'd be best to give up your position." I was able to hear annoyance in her voice.

Ace, the gray haired man next to her, spoke next, "after all you couldn't take down Fyodor, like you were ordered to."

I looked at Akutagawa and Chuuya, they looked annoyed at their words however said nothing. I followed that, I sat down and also said nothing.

"Okay now. I understand it is early and we all don't necessarily want to be here but let's not argue." Mori now said, he pushed a paper, face down towards us. He then flipped it over and it showed an image.

The image was hard to make out, but there was a man, in what it looked to be white, with a hat.

"This is an unidentifiable member of the rats. We have seen him many times but have never been able to figure out his name." He looked directly at me now, "Y/n, I'd like you to find out who this man is."

Which now raised a question to me, Mori knew what Fyodor looked like...is it possible he didn't know what Nikolai looked like?

I wrote down something on a piece of paper then nudged Chuuya, handing it to him under the table, he looked at me then stuffed it in his pocket. We did this surprising unnoticed.

I asked if I should tell everyone who that man was since of course, I already knew the identity, Chuuya nodded.

It was silent, everyone seemed to be thinking.

"Nikolai Gogol." I broke the silence.

"Nikolai Gogol?" Ace questioned

"He's the man in the photo, Nikolai Gogol, of the rats. He is commonly referred to as 'the Clown'."

"By his attire?" Kouyou now asked

"Not only by his attire but by his behavior as well. He dresses and acts almost to that of a circus ringmaster."

"But what does this have to do with anything? We should be able to take him out swiftly and without any problems." Aku said, focused on the picture.

I clicked my tongue, "No we won't, he'll be possibly even harder to catch than Fyodor. He's a master of disguise. If he were to among us we'd probably have no idea."

"Okay how about this," Ace took the picture into his hand then placed it in front of him, "let's just say, I am Fyodor and...Y/n is Nikolai, if Nikolai's gift is powerful then Fyodor would want him to always be around, in a sense to protect h-"

I immediately objected, "to think like a rat, you need to have a good understanding of a rat. It would appear to me you don't."

Ace glared at me in annoyance, "okay then what do you think?"

"Both of their gifts are still unknown, up until we can get more information we should lay low. However if you, Ace, do happen to decide to go against them, I can guarantee you'll be your end."

"Was that threat? What? Are you secretly allied with the rats?"

"I am not, I know from experience. You do remember when I was supposed to take out Fyodor? Nikolai was with him, along with a gray haired man, who's name I don't know," I took a breath, "they could've killed me and they almost succeeded."

Mori looked at me, I was guessing that he was shocked from my lie, "Y/n, did either of them happen to use their gifts?"

"No, but the gray haired man is able to control the earth, I was able to get away before anything else happened to me."

"Didn't you just say they almost killed you?" Kouyou objected, "your story doesn't make sense."

"I didn't die but that doesn't mean I escaped completely unharmed." After that incident, I wrapped my unwounded right arm up in bandages and hardly ever took them off unless I showered. I rolled up my sleeve, revealing the bandaged arm.

"I see, so your arm got cut?" Kouyou looked down at the table, clenching her teeth.

"Something like that." I took a breath and continued, "Nikolai Gogol is a threat to everyone around him. He needs to be dealt with. How or when I haven't figured out yet."

"Then leave Fyodor to me." Ace got up then stood, "I'll have the best bounty hunter take him down and abduct him, then we can have the torture specialists handle the rest."

"Catching him is going to be difficult and it might even take months. Torture in the other hand, I don't think is going to work. If Fyodor is the boss that's all more reason why he won't talk. Torturing him would be useless. If we were to get higher members then maybe we'll have a shot at answers...but that's all circumstantial."

"Fyodor will talk, let's call a meeting in 2 weeks, I'll provide you with results." He said pridefully then walked out of the room.

I sighed, Chuuya had remained quiet throughout this whole thing, I didn't know what he was thinking, "Chuu?"

"Yea?" He turned his head towards me

"You alright? You've been real quiet."

"Observing, understanding who they are and their motives, thinking of a plan, stuff like that."

"Their motives?"

"Fyodor wants to rid the world of gifted but what does Nikolai want?"

"He does it for fun." I blurted out, "Nikolai is sadistic, if you meet him he comes across as insane but I think he's perfectly sane. He knows what he's doing is wrong, he knows the different between right and wrong. He seems like he just doesn't care."

"I see. Then how should we go about catching him?"

I looked at Chuuya and dead in his eyes, the words that came out of my mouth I'd never even believe I said them, "The only way we can stop them-
is to kill them."
heyo! i'm back, i haven't really been in the best place mentally so that's why this took a little longer than i anticipated, but i'm slowing recovering and i'll be back and better than ever soon! bye!

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