The Slaving Couple

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3rd Person P.O.V.
Y/n and Dazai were constantly slaving themselves working, they tried to put all the mafia's cares aside and do the best they could but it's like the more problems they managed to settle down the more came flooding through the door.

"How does your father do this on a daily basis?" Dazai commented, sighing dramatically while shuffling through papers.

"I honestly don't know."

"We know he's in custody at least, they have to release him soon if there's no proof to his charges." The brunette rested his chin on the desk, "But knowing the police, they will keep him because they see him as a threat."

Y/n nodded slowly while sorting through stacks of paperwork, Dazai had gotten up and started roaming around Mori's office, he poked at pictures which sat on a table near the door. His attention turned to the drawer of the table, he bent down and opened it, finding a tiny notebook.

"Baby, what's this?"

Y/n's gaze drifted over to her boyfriend, "I don't know, where'd you get it?"

He got up and moved to the side to reveal the table, Y/n shifted her attention back to the paper she was holding, "Put it back."

However Dazai was already flicking through pages, "Dazai, put it-"

A knock at the door cut her off as Dazai cheerfully said, "Come in!~"

The door opened to reveal Gin with Tachihara at her side, she was holding Haruki while the baby was playfully tugging at her hair, "I thought you guys might have wanted to take a break and see Haru for a minute."

Dazai dropped the notebook on the floor before spinning to retrieve his baby, he scooped the little boy up into his arms and carried him to the couch Y/n was sitting on. He plopped down and smiled, codling his son.

Y/n smiled softly, taking a mental picture of the sight. She let her head rest against Dazai's shoulder, "Thank you for bringing him Gin."

She smiled at the couple, who looked like they were in their own world. They finally looked at peace instead of looking stressed out. Both Gin and Tachihara could tell they haven't slept in a while.

Dazai looked at the two before signaling them to go, "Are you sure?" Tachihara asked him.

"Yes, I'm sure. This one can be a handful so thank you for watching him."

Gin waved her hands in front of her as an objection, "Nono! He's an angel. Anytime you want us to watch him, we will."

"Thank you."

The couple left.

After about 15 minutes of the two sitting there enjoying the presence of their son, Dazai got up, letting Y/n fall on the couch, "Okay okay! Time to get back to work!"

Y/n didn't move, Dazai spun around slowly to see she had fallen asleep. He looked down in his arms at Haruki, who was also asleep. The brunette placed their son under Y/n's arm and took off his trench coat to put over them.

He moved the hair covering his lover's face and kissed it gently before walking back over to Mori's desk. He sat down and began shuffling through papers once again.

Dazai thought about cleaning up a little since there were thousands of different papers scattered everywhere but he decided to leave it alone for a while. He didn't want to make too much noise so he sat quietly, humming to himself while reading documents.

**With Chuuya and Akutagawa**

"Ugh." The ginger made a noise of discontent.

The pale male at his side sighed, "What's wrong now?"

"I just don't see the point in all this. Those two are slaving themselves to try and fix multiple different problems, it's only a matter of time until they can't take it anymore. I wish there was something we could do to help more."

"You almost make it seem like you don't hate Dazai."

"I do, trust me, he could slave himself all he wants. I hope he works so hard that he collapses from overworking himself but Y/n was never trained for this type of position."

Akutagawa nodded silently before shoving his hands in his pockets, continuing to walk down the street side by side with the short ginger.

Two men who neither had really seen walked towards them. The duo ignored them before the h/c haired male passed by, igniting their fight or flight senses, the two immediately turned around and stared at his back.

The white haired man seemed to notice first, looking back at them in confusion then the h/c haired man looked back, his e/c orb seemed to be glowing in resentment. A smirk tugged at his lips before he turned his head back in front of him, continuing to walk without a care in the world.

Chuuya and Akutagawa stood there, completely shocked and frozen by the look on the man's face, they watched the two men walk off until they weren't able to be seen anymore.

They shared a look on confusion before turning to one another, "Was that-"

"I think it was."
ahh i felt motivated to write suddenly but i do intend to wrap the book up soon because it's been going on for almost 2 years i think? and honestly there's so many chapters which don't even contribute to the plot(which barely exists because i don't know where i intended to take this when i first started writing it.)

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