The Hunting Dogs

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Your P.O.V.
I received a call from Atsushi, he explained the current situation him and the Agency were in. Nikolai's 'dumb' plan did a lot more damage that I initially thought it would. The Armed Detective Agency was even blamed for a death and then forced to go on the run. Every ally to them was to be arrested and charged with treason. This meant if the mafia were to help out, we'd probably need to enforce a special unit to help them secretly.

I walked to Mori's office, "Dad." I said, opening the door. I saw a girl sitting against the wall, with her legs crossed. It seemed she was about to say something before I came.

Mori's attention was focused on me, it seemed the energy in the room wasn't the best before I got here, he smiled, "Y/n, I was wondering when you'd show up."

"You were waiting for me?" I asked. My eyes not leaving this girl. She had long blonde curly hair and big deep sea blue eyes. Her skin looked a little on the pale side but nonetheless it still looked nice. She wore a baby blue tie-died hoodie that had obviously been cut into a crop top and a short black shirt, with knee high socks and black flats.

"I was indeed my sweet daughter, this is Rebecca. She is an outside force who was sent to help us. Like a savior." He smiled, making stupid jokes was his specialty.

I didn't like the fact he was openly showing this girl that he has a weak spot for me, I didn't like the fact he openly admitted to someone we had more than a business relationship, I didn't like the fact she wasn't speaking, I didn't like this situation at all.

"An outside force?" I noticed he turned his head to the left which meant he wasn't telling the full truth, "so you want to tell the whole story?"

His eyes widened, almost surprised at my words, "she's a local assassin who offered her help."

I looked at her again, an assassin huh?

I suppose I could've believed that, assassins are usually people you wouldn't expect but why not test her?

Within a flash, I grabbed a scalpel off Mori's desk and threw it towards her. Instead of caching it, like I assumed she would, she moved her head to the right, and allowed it to sink into the wall. She wore a bored expression.

I closed my eyes then sighed, I can tell I'm not going to like working with her. I briefed Mori on the situation.

"I see. We really do need to stop them."

"I believe they have a page."

"The page?" He said almost impressed

"Yes, it makes sense. Anything you write, whether it be on a page or the whole book, will come true. If they wrote 'the Armed Detective Agency is guilty', they'd be guilty. I went over security cameras and Ranpo was at the murder scene, when we all know why he was there, the cameras showed him smirk and hold the weapon suggestively before glitching out."

Mori facepalmed, "this is getting more and more dangerous."

"They're getting more and more powerful as well. I believe the mafia should organize a special unit to help the agency while also protecting the mafia. I'm sure they plan to arrest mafiosos as well."

He sighed, "thank you, you're excused."

I walked to the door, then gripped the door knob I looked at this new girl one last time, who was she? What's her background?

I exited the room, closing the door behind me. I decided to go stroll the town, maybe get drunk and come back and get yelled at by Chuuya because I didn't take him.

I walked around and seen a group of people crowding an area. Wanting to see what the hype was about, I walked over. Four people in military like uniforms stood before the crowd. I stared at them confused, I tapped the person beside me.

"Who are they?"

"You haven't heard? These are the Hunting Dogs! Now that the Armed Detective Agency are terrorists the military sent in their strongest force." An older woman explained.

"So they plan to arrest them?"

"Them and everyone who allies with them."

The Agency as terrorists? Please, they couldn't even steal something without offering to pay it back. As terrorists, they'd be total failures.

I sighed then tried to get a better view at the members faces. There were 3 men and 1 girl, who looked as if she was shorter than me but that could've been because she was further away from me.

I must've made it obvious I was looking because a men who's eyes were closed seem to turn his attention to my area. I wasn't sure if he was looking at me specifically but then the girl focused her attention on me as well.

I wonder if these are the same people who arrested Dazai

The girl continued to study my face while I smiled. I turned around and began to walk away then heard a loud crash and turned my head, the girl jumped in mid air and landed in front of me.

She grabbed my dress shirt by its collar, "who are you?"

"Who's asking?" I smiled, it seemed to piss her off the first time so if these people were powerful. It'd be nice to see them in action.

"I'm asking the questions."

"Really? That didn't sound like a question." I moved my hands and pushed her away from me, jumping back. I disappeared into the crowd. She had attempted to follow me but I jumped onto a balcony, jumping to the roof then began to flee.

I assumed she was going to chase me, which offended me when she didn't.

"The Hunting Dogs? What a stupid name."
good morning at 5am like usual, i have a spanish project due today and i haven't started🤪 probably not gonna turn it in but- oh well that shit ain't even worth a grade idk why they make me do it

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