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Dazai's P.O.V.
It's been a week since I called Mori, the list should be done soon.

I walked into the Agency, tired from my lack of sleep, I put on a smile, "Hey~!"

Atsushi rose from his seat, "Dazai, we got the list from the Port Mafia today."

"Really~?" I asked, "who's teaming up?"

"I'm with Akutagawa." He grumbled

"Who am I with?" I asked seeming curious.

"F/n L/n."

"Ooo~ okay."

"Wait who's that again?"

"A female executive." I explained, a smile on my face.

"Oh lucky." He complained, "I wanted to be with anyone besides him."

"Well sucks~" I laughed, my laughing died down then my face turned serious, "Atsushi, when do we meet up with our partners?"

"Later today, we'll be teaming up with them meaning we'll always be by them." He rolled his eyes, still upset at the fact he was teamed with Akutagawa.

"Everyone." Fukuzawa said, coming out of his office, "we're heading to mafia headquarters."

Yosano scoffed, "fine. Kunikida, lets go, you're driving me."

"Okay." He sighed, "lets go."

They left, "Dazai, we should go now."

"Right." I said, I was overjoyed at the fact I'll be working alongside Y/n again.

Your P.O.V.
"Y/n, come on!" Chuuya said, pulling my covers.

I groaned and flipped over, "go away." I got tangled in the sheets.

"Y/n, get up now." Chuuya said sternly.

"Noooo." I groaned again.

The door opened, thinking he left I lifted my head up, "oh hey Aku." Chuuya said, "help me get this bitch out of bed."



"You need to get up."

"I don't wanna!"

"We'll go get f/f (favorite food, mainly fast food in this case) really fast." They said in unison.

I immediately sat up, "promise?"


I got out of bed, and got dressed, I put on my regular attire, a white dress shirt with a my top 2 buttons unbuttoned, black jeans with a belt, and black suspenders. With my executive coat over, my arms hung out of my coat, "K lets go~!"

I walked out and started the car, "get in losers!"

We drove to f/f, and got our usual orders then we drove to mafia headquarters or in this case, one of the many warehouses we own, we attempted to sneak into the meeting since we were over an hour late.

"Executives: Y/n, Chuuya, and Akutagawa." Mori said sternly, "explain why you're late."

I took a sip of my drink, "we got food."

"Only because your bitch ass wouldn't get up."

"Y/n!" Mori raised his voice, "this is a serious operation, if you're not going to attempt to help then we don't need you here."

"Dad, you know as well as I do that you need me."

"You can't keep-" he sighed, "get with your partners please."

I chuckled then looked at Chuuya, "who's my partner?"


My heart started pounding, "really?" I asked


I walked over to Dazai and stood next to him, I felt my face sort of heat up.

"No what are you doing?! He's the enemy, deny your emotions for Mori's sake." I told myself in thought.

Dazai looked down on me, "it's nice to see you again."

"You too." I spat

"Do you hate me?"

"Why do you say that?"

"Be-" he stopped, "no reason, it's only natural and you have every right to."


I turned myself away then looked at Aku, he and Atsushi seemed angry from the start. I looked at Chuuya, he and Ranpo didn't necessarily get along well either.

I felt happy Dazai was my partner but I couldn't let him know that.

"These are your teams, I understand that none of us want to work together but we need to, we'll be combining our new strength with the Guild as well." Mori explained

Chatter went around.

"Just to take down the rats?"

"How lame."

"They're definitely underestimating the mafia."

I took the gun from my waistband and shot three times in the air, "shut up."

Attention turned on me, "y/n have you thought of a solid plan yet?"

"I'll talk it over with Dazai and see what he thinks, if he decides to change it then we'll tell you after we make up a new one."

He nodded, "alright."

Dazai looked down at me shocked, "you sure?"

"Yea." I nodded

Dazai and I went back to my apartment, "so what's your plan?"

"We have the stealthiest members of each organization infiltrate and drive some out, it will then be relied on the people guarding the exit to stop them and capture them, the Mafia's torture specialists do the rest."

"It sounds bulletproof but who will be-"

"The infiltration squad will be as follows: Me, Akutagawa, Chuuya, Atsushi, Tanizaki and Kyoka. The defense squad will be: Kunikida, Yosano, you, Kenji and the Black Lizard."

"I see, alright. It sounds great."

I felt a smile start to appear and turned my head away, "right let's get started."
Author's note: sorry i haven't updated, i've been busy with school and everything but i will attempt to post every other day and this feels to me like a shorter chapter than usual so i'll make up with another chapter tomorrow, thank you bye~

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