Happy Halloween!

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Your P.O.V.
Today was Halloween, Dazai and I originally had plans to just stay at home with Haruki and eat candy while watching scary movies, but we were invited to a little get together thrown by Author-Chan.

It was already noon and our meet up time was 12:30.

"Dazai!" I shouted from the living room

"Yes baby?"

"Come on, we're gonna leave now."

Dazai walked down the hallway with Haruki in his right arm, holding him firmly. In his left, he carried a baby bag.

The three of us wore matching costumes and then headed over to Author-Chan's apartment. We met up with Chuuya and Aku along the way.

"Huh, do all families match?" Chuuya laughed

"Dazai insisted on us matching."

"It's Haruki's first Halloween, I wanted to match!" He said defensively, cradling our son.

I leaned against him and took the baby bag, replacing it with my hand, "I know and it's cute so shut up."

Our brunette son clapped while he giggled, reaching out to Chuuya. He looked scared, almost as if he was about to back away from the child.

"I uh- have a policy not to touch children."

"Chuuya, hold the baby you pussy." Aku smacked his back before Chuuya's trembling hands reached out to Haruki.

Dazai chuckled and handed him to Chuuya, who's eyes were wide opened, full of worry.

"Have you never held a-" he cut Dazai off saying, "I told you, I have a no touch policy with children."

I laughed, "Haruki seems to already like you."

The little boy was already grabbing at Chuuya's foreign hair color(to Haruki because yk- he hasn't really met Chuuya yet) he reached up to touch his face and Chuuya's face went red, his eyes softened.

"I never thought I'd ever admit this but...this is a cute ass baby."

"Why thank you~" Dazai immediately responded.

"It takes two people to make a baby you idiot."

We finally reached Author-Chan's apartment, knocking on the door. A tall "unknown" man opened it, we blinked a few times before trying to figure out who it was.

"Are you just gonna stand there?" A familiar voice said, Nikolai pulled off the sheet before laughing at us. Author-Chan was standing in the middle of the room, laughing. Higuchi, Gin, and Tachihara were already there.

We stepped inside and sat down, Chuuya set Haruki on the ground before sitting down himself.

The apartment was nicely decorated, there were bats and skulls all over the walls, I spotted pumpkins that hadn't been touched.

Author-Chan squatted down to pick up Haruki, "Seeing this beautiful baby makes me want to have one."

"We'll give you two." Nikolai smirked before patting Fyodor's shoulder. Author-Chan turned around before sticking her tongue out at them. "I'm still mad at you, shut up."

Fyodor, who was in regular clothing, went back to the kitchen.

"Why isn't that bitch wearing a costume?" Dazai asked Author-Chan

She laughed before saying, "Fyo doesn't really like Halloween, he's a," she lifted her hands up to do air quotations, "'never done it so why start now?' person."

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