Shared Pasts

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B/f's P.O.V.
I walked to the spot I had offered to meet at, sure enough stood Nikolai, already there.

I smiled and waved, "hello."

He turned to me almost immediately, as if he was on edge, although he hid it quite well nothing gets past my eyes, I looked at him curiously, "are you alright?"

"N/n, you said she has a message?"

I sighed, then touched his shoulder, he slightly jumped at my touch, "I knew it."

"Knew what?"

"You're on edge, what's the issue?"

"You don't have to worry about it." He said in a soft voice.

"Nikolai, I'm the one who gives this information to Y/n. I intend to tell her about this, so please give me something and I'll see if she can help you."

"I started hallucinating earlier today, at like 10:38am sharp. Every since then-"

I interrupted him, "hallucinated? Nikolai, what was the hallucination about?"

"Uhm- N/n dying."

"How'd she die?"

"We were together in public and we were in a restaurant or something..." his voice trailed off, I looked at him again, although his posture showed he looked tired, I seen he had a terrified look in his eyes, "go ahead Nikolai. I'm right here."

"A window broke, then I heard thing I knew when I turned back to see N/n, she was bleeding and I didn't know where it was coming from."

"What happened after?"

"Nothing. Someone snapped me out of it."

I thought about it then remembered what I overheard from Chuuya and Akutagawa,

"Mori said she needed to lay down for a while."

"why?" Akutagawa questioned.

"He said she was hallucinating."

I took my phone out and called Y/n,

"Y/n speaking."

"Y/n, I have a question."

"What is it? Have you met Niko yet?"

"I'm with him now, his body language shows he's been on edge." I looked toward him, he was examining his surroundings, "what time did you start hallucinating?"

"Uh-....Hey Dad." I heard her say from the other end, "what time do you think it started?"

"10:38 precisely, you stopped moving." My eyes widened, I hung up without saying another word, I turned back to Nikolai,

"Nikolai." He jumped at his name but turned back to me, "I want you to know this won't go anywhere, you can tell me the whole story. Someone said something to you through this hallucination yes?"

"How'd you-"

"Y/n, she started hallucinating the exact same time you did. I'm guessing it's an ability, except they were way more thorough with you than her, which means they wanted to break you first."

Nikolai posture changed completely, he wasn't slumped down anymore, he stood up straight, "what?"

"What did they say?"

"'I'll make sure to kill her if you don't follow the rules'."

"The rules?"

He nodded then shrugged, "I have no clue what that means, how can I follow the rules if none have been set?"

"If this person reaches out to contact you again, I want you to call me immediately after, you don't have to worry about Y/n, she can handle herself, you're a member of the rats, therefore follow your own rules."

He nodded again, "N/n's message?"

"Right, her message was this: 'Niko I'm sorry but we can't see each other anymore. After a talk with Mori he forbid it, therefore from this day on, we are enemies.' and that's it."

"I see..." he smiled, "it's nice to know that I finally won't have to worry about her as well as myself."

"You have enough on your plate as is. You need to maintain a good sleep schedule as well. If you ever need anything from Y/n or myself, contact me. I don't mind being branded as a traitor, after all I just joined the mafia."

"When you were a former member of the rats?" He lifted an eyebrow

I chuckled, "don't worry. Y/n hasn't asked me anything, I know she's planning to soon but even then I'm not going to tell her anything."

"Alright B/f, it was nice to see you again."

"Of course Nikolai. I'm very open to doing business Y/n shouldn't be doing, after all she is my protector."

"N/n is like that."

"Also, something I think you should fix is when you're talking about her to other people, you probably shouldn't call her N/n, people will know that you know her."

"Right~!" His old attitude came back, "Hey B/f, what's it like being in the mafia?"

"Being a mafioso where everyone judges you because you were a member of an enemy organization but an executive decided to save you and the boss and father of said executive, listened to his daughter and allowed you to join the mafia? It's horrible. I get mistreated everyday, of course that isn't something that is worth telling Y/n."

"She'll be really busy real soon."

"I see, we should part ways now."

"Alright sayonara~"

"Bye Nikolai."

"B/f, before I go, you're really not gonna say anything to her?"

"No of course not."

He sighed, "that's something I would expect from you."

I smiled then waved, "of course you would."

"After all you were a member of the Decay of Angels." He said then disappeared.

I smirked to myself, "That I was."
😳oh- whaaaaat? what's going on👀 i don't know~~~ i just got done with all my work and i'm so tired. remember to be safe during this whatever time in society. sayonara~

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