Retrieve Mori

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3rd Person P.O.V.
A plan was sent into motion, Y/n and Dazai decided to take matters into their own hands instead of fighting the civil way. The operation to retrieve Mori was a go, while mafiosos attacked the building head on, the help of Nikolai was acquired to actually sneak into the cell and grab him.

Y/n, the rest of the Executives, and the Black Lizard were distractions at the front, as the rest of the organization backed them up. The entire strategy depended on Nikolai and Nikolai only.

Dazai made a plan to divert B/n's attention as well, he was the one who would provide his own distraction given his ability. As long as he managed to keep physical contact with him at all times or subdue him, they'd be fine, however if B/n caught on to the plan and realized Nikolai was involved, the brunette understood that he'd completely abandon the battlefield and go defend Mori's cell.

Fyodor was also involved in the plan, he was going to be with Nikolai in case he was needed as backup. The entire mission's purpose wasn't to fight but to grab Mori and go, a snatch and grab.

Y/n paced around the room, nervously. Dazai stopped her, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his head in the crook of her neck, "It'll be okay."

"It means the Hunting Dogs will also be involved, Dazai. I don't want you to get hurt."

"Don't worry, we'll be fine. Everything will be okay, I've had Ango set up a fake problem of his choosing far away from here but in the vicinity of where they would step in so we'll only have to deal with your brother." The brunette kissed the side of the h/c haired woman's head and smiled, "Even in failure, we'll find a way like we always do."

She gave a relieved sigh and relaxed in his arms, Haruki was to be with Higuchi and they were going to be at her apartment in case of emergency and she was not to come to battle unless it was in dire need.

The next morning was the day. Y/n stood at her station, in the shadows. Next to her stood Akutagawa and Chuuya, both eager to fight. She took a deep breath, also semi excited to be reunited with her father however she made sure to keep her objective clear in her mind, she needed to provide a proper distraction for Nikolai and Fyodor.

She peeked at the corner and saw there was less security than usual. Dazai was sure they'd catch on to them however a random assault is not what they'd be expecting, especially so soon. They'll likely bounce back quickly due to the leadership of B/n and that will be the hardest part.

The assault began, Y/n ran to the first guard standing at the door and gave a strong roundhouse kick. An alarm was signaled and the building was put on lockdown but not after multiple waves of soldiers stormed out.

-With B/n-
He heard the alarm go off as he sat in front of Mori's cell, "They've finally come, have they? Seems like an interesting battle." He turned his attention to Mori, "Sit tight."

He left the room, Sigma following close behind, "Are we going to participate?"

"Absolutely. I'm the highest in command currently, they made sure to attack when all of the Hunting Dogs besides myself were away, I had a feeling they'd do that."

B/n began to bark orders at everyone around him, 3 soldiers guarded the room Mori was in, no one was to go in or come out due to unknown abilities by some mafiosos. The h/c haired young man knew that if he were to go out to battle that it would be a security risk, he expected the body count to be high.

He looked out the 3rd story window and saw his twin and her boyfriend, touching backs and fighting alongside each other. Y/n was obviously covering Dazai's blind spots as he wasn't as good in hand to hand combat as she was.

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