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Your P.O.V.
A few days after the total fail of a party we attempted to have, I haven't spoke to Nikolai or Fyodor. I only managed to get through to Author-Chan and even she barely answered the questions I had.

I assumed I ruined our friendship saying that to him, I regretted it because if I had just believed Dazai then it would've all been fine...

Dazai cuddled up next to me, "Baby? Are you still thinking about that?"

"I can't help it, none of them actually want to hold a full conversation with me."

"You know, we're parents. Haruki comes first and get up, we have to go get him up."

I sighed but smiling, "you're right." I kissed his cheek before we raced to Haruki's room.

The brown haired baby was already vibing, he was laughing and clapping to his toys we usually leave in his crib. Mainly because we forget to take them out.

When he saw us, he called out, "Mama! Dada!"

Dazai's face lit up before scooping the small baby into his arms, "Yes! He finally said it, after what felt like months!"

I rolled my eyes before walking out, "come on 'DaDa' I'll make breakfast."

"Why you out here acting like you can cook?"

"Sir, I will break your spine."

He laughed and followed me, cradling our child in his arms.

"I have to go to work today." Dazai sighed sadly.

"I can see if I can get in touch with Author-Chan again and see if she can watch the baby because I have to work to."

"We do be making bank tho."

"Bitch you're on a normal salary because you're the most problematic person in the Detective Agency. I'm the breadwinner here. Respect it."

"If you insist~"

We sat down to eat and after Dazai finished he washed his plate off before placing it in the sink, proceeding to wash and dry his hands. He went to our shared room and grabbed his coat. Putting it on halfway, he kneeled down to give me a kiss before going to our baby next. "Bye you guys! I love you~!"

"Say 'bye Daddy'!"

"B-Bye Daddi!" Haruki waved happily at his father before Dazai looked like he was about to cry. He closed the door behind him.

I sighed before taking out my phone and beginning to text Author-Chan.

Me: hey, sorry to text you again, i need someone to babysit haruki, are you free today?

Weeb🥴: oh yea of course! fedya, niko, and i will be there soon!🥰

Me: thank you SO much!🙏🏻

I began to set up Haruki's play area while he finished up eating. After, I placed him down and he became fixated on the building blocks, building them up then knocking them over. (destructive lil thing😳) I began to wash the dishes before I heard a knock.

I opened it to reveal the three, Author-Chan looked really excited, while Niko's gaze was fixed solely on either her or Fyodor. He wouldn't even look at me. I moved aside to let them in, "Thanks so much for this!"

"No worries, I actually have two kid siblings so I know a little about kids. Leave it to me!" She smiled brightly, I nodded before walking to my room to get dressed.

I put on my usual white dress shirt with a black neck tie, my black suspenders(idk why but i like suspenders with this outfit, for me it just like works-). Lastly, my black pants and shoes. Of course, my black executive coat, which I had hanging off my shoulders.

I walked out to see Fyodor poking at Haruki's cheek. Author-Chan looked at him like he was stupid, "What? I've never been around a baby before."

I chuckled before moving towards the door, "Again, thanks. I should get going now."

Fyodor waved and Author-Chan said, "Okay bye! We'll take good care of your kid!"

I looked at Nikolai, hoping for a goodbye, he just sat there on the couch looking at Author-Chan's back. I supposed she noticed because she turned around and said, "Stop staring creep!"

She had gotten up and walked over to him, did she always have a limp? No, maybe she hurt herself(or maybe she got "hurt" by someone else👀). He laughed before smiling, sitting up straight to wrap his arms around her waist and put his head in her chest.

"It'd be better if your boobs were bigger."

"Say some more stupid shit Nikolai and I will rob you of your kneecaps."

I giggled to myself before walking out the door and shut it behind me, I looked down at the floor in disappointment, "Maybe I shouldn't have said anything..."

After standing there for a moment, I finally decided to take off walking. I walked to my favorite coffee shop and ordered my usual drink, then once I finished that went to the bar and got the cup refilled with alcohol.

I finally began to actually make my way to Mafia headquarters. I expected to run into someone I knew because for some odd reason we all usually leave around the same time however I didn't. Which I found even stranger, I overheard people talking. After a minute or two of debating, I decided to listen in on their conversations.

"The Hunting Dogs are back?"

What? The fucking who? Nah fam, this day really gonna be shit. I sighed somewhat angrily before picking up my pace.

While walking, I noticed someone who looked quite familiar, someone I've wondered about for years.

"B-B/n?"(brothers name for those we forgot)

He turned to me with cold eyes, "you're with the Hunting Dogs?!"

"The Phantom Fifth member. B/n L/n."
i bet y'all mfs thought i'd forget about this shit, i did. but that's not the point, we got the fucking twin in here, gang gang. he's lowkey late as FUCK and right around the time i'm actually getting ready to end the book i needed to throw his ass in there. i'm thinking about maybe writing some parts dedicated to how he spent his life prior to them actually seeing each other again idk

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