Movie Night

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3rd Person P.O.V.
Y/n and Dazai were sitting on the couch, her legs laid out on his thighs, his slender fingers caressing them every now and then. Haruki sat on the floor, playing with his favorite toy car, bumping it into another giggling.

The couple was watching the Nightmare Before Christmas before Y/n heard a knock at the door. Haruki reached up to his mother, signaling to her he wanted to be picked up. She smiled down at him as he happily said, "Up! Up!"

She kneeled down to grab the boy and lifted him up before spinning in a circle. Dazai watched from the couch, smiling softly to himself, thinking how blessed he was to have such a wonderful family.

Y/n, with Haruki in her arms, walked to the door and opened it. It was Gin and Akutagawa, "Hey guys, what's up?"

They both had blank looked on their faces, which wasn't too new to Y/n, they were both pushed aside by a tipsy Chuuya, "Let's get this party started!" He fistpumped the air before walking past Y/n into the house.

She chuckled before moving aside so the other two can step through the door, she began walking back to the couch as she looked back to see Gin closing the door.

"Thank you Gin!"

"Of course." She smiled sweetly.

Y/n handed Haruki off to Dazai before moving to the kitchen to get Chuuya a glass of water. The ginger haired male plopped down next to Dazai and took the baby from his hands. "Haruuu, it's Uncle Chuuya!"

Haruki clapped before repeating his name, "Chu Chu!"

Y/n smiled, placing the glass on the coffee table before sitting beside Chuuya, her gaze turned to Akutagawa and Gin, "So? What are you guys doing here?"

"No reason actually, we just wanted to come over. It's almost Christmas."

The h/c girl averted her gaze to the floor, thinking of her missing father, "Right Christmas..."

Memories flooded through her head of Mori and how they used to spend Christmas together.


"Yes lovebug?" The tall man kneeled down and placed his gloved hand on the little girl's head.

"Can I have a puppy for Christmas?!" She smiled excitedly and the man laughed, "Have you been a good girl?"


"Then maybe Santa will think about it."

"You think so?"

Mori kissed little Y/n's forehead before standing up straight, taking her hand as they crossed the street, "Yes of course. I actually know Santa." He smiled down at the little girl.

Her eyes sparkled in amazement, "Really?! Can I meet him?!"

"No honey, Santa only comes when you're sleeping." The little girl crossed her arms and huffed, she leaned down for a moment. Mori stopped, thinking she was just tying her shoe.

His face felt cold, he wiped his eyes and there stood his little girl holding a snowball, "I got you Daddy!" She laughed before getting into position to throw another one.

Mori chuckled as he dodged the next one, making his own snowball and throwing it softly at the little girl, she squealed as it hit her and then both sat in the snow laughing.

Y/n smiled, recalling that memory fondly, she looked over at Dazai, "Babe, is it going to snow this year?"

Dazai shrugged, "I hope so, I'm still not over that one Christmas where you put snow down my shirt."

The shorter girl laughed, "Well you were being mean." She held her hand up defensively and looked over at Chuuya, he seemed more relaxed but he looked as if he was freezing.

"Chu, are you cold?"

He lazily opened an eye before yawning, "No, I'm good."

Akutagawa took off his black coat and tossed it over Chuuya, "You can admit when you're cold ya know."

"I'm not!" He flipped him off before pulling the coat up to cover his chest, "Bitch."

Haruki reached out to Gin, who hesitantly picked him and set him on the floor as they started to play with the cars once again. Dazai scooted closer to Y/n, wrapping his arm around her shoulder before pulling her into his chest.

"I'll allow you guys to stay, let's finish the movie!"

Akutagawa sat on the floor with his back leaning against the couch, Chuuya soon fell asleep next to Y/n under the pale man's coat. Dazai rested his head against his lover's, running his hand up and down her arm, enjoying her warmth.

Haruki rolled on his stomach making car noises, "broom! broom broom!"

Gin laid on the floor next to him, running her fingers through his fluffy brown hair before twirling it between her fingers, "Who's da cutest baby?" She said in a silly tone

The little boy smiled and began waving his arms in the air, "Me, me! I cute!"

Akutagawa smiled before looking at Chuuya, he tapped his leg softly and the ginger groaned. "I guess he's really asleep." He thought to himself before turning his attention back to the movie.
sorry this is a little later than expected, i finally had some motivation but it took forever to actually think of something people would do before christmas. i myself don't really celebrate christmas but i wish everyone happy holidays! stay safe and have fun!❤️💚

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