Y/n's Brother

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Atsushi's P.O.V.
Dazai walked up to the Hunting Dogs without a care in the world, "Hi~!"

I grabbed his arm in an attempt to pull him back over but he dodged before going to talk to the shorter man with his eyes closed, "Nice to see you again Jouno~"

"I wish I could've watched you rot from that cell."

"Not all wishes come true sadly." He mocked him in a sad tone before laughing. He looked over at a averagely heighten male with h/c hair, "Why do I think I've se- you're Y/n's brother aren't you?"

"Yes." The man answered dryly but oddly amused. He took a step forward and got closer to Dazai, their foreheads almost touching as they exchanged glares, "I'll take you and that puny mafia organization out."

Something about Dazai changed, his aura felt much...darker, "Do what you will but try and hurt Y/n and I'll kill you."

Her brother moved away, chuckling. Dazai crossed his arms and his normal cheerful laughter came back.

He looked back at me then smiled, "Okay Atsushi, let's go. We have a job after all, I want to finish it so I can sneak into mafia headquarters and see Y/n~" he said awfully loud, maybe loud enough for the Hunting Dogs to hear.

As we were walking away, I looked back, examining B/n. He seemed like a aggressive person yes but something about him seemed genuinely scared like he was hiding behind all the pent up aggression he is keeping down. I turned back to Dazai, walking by his side, I began to question him, "That was Y/n's brother?"

"Twin brother, yes. They were separated after the death of their parents. There's two more siblings but I'm guessing neither knows where they are."

"I see...do they...uhm- do they want to kill each other?"

"The twins? Yes actually. Y/n always told me that she wanted to kill him but felt as if she had the chance she wouldn't."

"Why do they want to kill one another?"

"That, I can't say. They'll relationship is extremely complicated. B/n, her brother, was brought to a underground organization and experimented on. They wanted to see how you can give a non-gifted person an ability."

I covered my mouth my a hand, "That's horrible."

"It is but he was their first success. From what I know, everything about him changed, from his personality to his daily schedule. It was like he turned into a different person. He had violent mood swings and would often hurt others because he was angry."

"What do they think that was from, if his personality did a 180, they had to have an idea, right?"

"The ability inside him." Dazai responded calmly.

My stomach took a turn, I wanted to throw up hearing what had happened to him. I wanted to go tell him that everything was going to be alright and hurting his sister isn't something he wants. I wanted to hug him and tell him I was here for him.(cute lil bean🥺)

I continued to walk side by side with Dazai, who seemed a little different. He seemed more serious than he usually was, talking about this stuff wasn't a big deal for him but this was more- serious to him, was it because this is
Y/n's brother?
again another late chapter, it's really hard for me to find motivation nowadays- online schooling is stressing me tf out- and i really need to figure out what i'm going to do after high school because i graduate next year. i'm sorry this was all i could come up with, stay safe and hydrated.

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