The Beginning of a New Bond

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3rd Person P.O.V.
B/n squatted down to look at the bruised man, who he called Sigma. He looked at B/n and then said, "What?"

"Remember Fyodor and Nikolai?"

Sigma gave a slight nod, "What about them?"

"Turns out, they evaded the police. They never got arrested but they seem to have forgotten all about you."

The h/c haired male stared down at Sigma, who's hands were balled into fists, "So?"

"So?" B/n laughed, "I thought you would give me more then that."

He moved back to his feet, staring down at Sigma, he looked extremely upset. B/n gave a sigh before patting himself down, in a search for keys.

"What are you-"

"Fuck. Did I leave them at home?"

Sigma looked confused at B/n's display however stayed silent and continued to watch him. It appeared that B/n forgot the keys but why would he need keys? He heard a frustrated groan escape B/n's lips before they made eye contact.

Sigma quickly looked away but hesitantly gave him another glance, the boy just continued to stare down at him, "Is something on my face?"

His tone of voice sounded frustrated but he laughed nonetheless. It almost put Sigma at ease being around him, he was different than the other guards. There was no reason for unexpected beatings, having being poisoned for fun, none of that.

"Hey, why do you keep staring at me?" B/n said, starting to remove his left boot and feeling around inside of it, "Damn it's not there."

"Oh- I was just thinking, you were different than the other guards that are in charge of me."

B/n gave a small chuckle before tying the boot back up and beginning to remove the right one, "Really? A lot of people, superiors, the grunts below me, they all fear me."

"Why?" Sigma was genuinely confused about this. The boy in front of him had this warm light around him, he seemed sweet just really misunderstood.

"As a child, I was experimented on and I was given an ability through those experiments. It fucked me up badly, I had really bad mood swings..." He paused for a second to put back on his boot, "and most of the time my attitude always shifts, I'm just a really lost person. I don't know who I am anymore."

Sigma smiled, "I see, I didn't come from a very good bring up either, my parents were extremely abusive and that's the main reason why I ran away."

"Why go to the Rats though?"

"It was my choice, I didn't have anywhere else to go."

B/n's frustration grew as he let out a sigh, "I forgot my keys."

"You keep keys in your boots?"

B/n chuckled unexpectedly, "Sometimes I drop them in there when I get home because I'm too lazy to put them anywhere else."

"Wouldn't you be able to feel you stepping on them?" Sigma laughed with the h/c haired boy.

"Even if I did, I'd probably keep walking."

The two laughed, "What do you need keys for anyway?"

"Oh I was gonna let you out, you know, stretch your legs or whatever."

"Why would you do that? I could easily overpower you."

"Don't be so sure, I may not look like much but I'm pretty sturdy. You won't walk out that door unless I let you."

"How old are you?" Sigma asked unexpectedly.

B/n looked confused, "Old?"

"Age. What's your age?"

The h/c haired boy blinked again, "Uhm-"

"You don't know?"

"Teens? I- uh- 16? Oh wait- 17?"

Sigma raised his cuffed hands to his mouth and laughed, "Oh so I'm older than you?"

"How old are you?"


"Oh. Wow. Okay Grandpa."

"I'm not-!" Sigma crossed his arms and turned his head away, "Whatever you-...child."

"Chi-" B/n started to laugh again. He took a step forward and placed his hands on two of the bars, "Anyways, how about being let out for now?"

"And you're going to do that witho-" Sigma watched in pure shock as B/n bent the two bars without breaking a sweat, he made enough space for Sigma to easily walk in and walk out of the cell.

B/n looked down at the older male, still on the floor, shocked painted his face, "What? Let's go Your Highness, I don't have all day."

B/n held his hand out to Sigma and after weighing the pros and cons, Sigma took his hand. The younger boy helped him up before picking the lock on the handcuffs. He rubbed his sore wrists before stepping out and walking around.

"You wanna go to town with me?"

"I'm allowed to do that?"

"What I say pretty much goes, come on." B/n put his hands in his pockets and walked to the door, opening it and holding it open.

Sigma watched as he was speaking to the two guards securing the door, "B-B/n, you can't just-!"

"As long as he's with me, he won't be going anywhere." B/n grabbed Sigma's arm before dragging him out of the door, "Besides I can use a house maid."

Sigma looked at offended before swatting his hand away off of him, "House maid?!"

"Yea, my room needs some cleaning, maid."

the start of a lovely friendship. anyways so i'm currently going through the WORST period of my life. i haven't eaten since yesterday so i'm ✨starving✨ but anyways, don't be like me. you guys need to take care of yourselves. i love you guys, stay safe and hydrated lovelies!❤️

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