Entertwined Past

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Your P.O.V.
I immediately got out of bed and began to head to Mori's office. I didn't even knock. I opened the door to see Chuuya and Aku in front of him.

"You two are not going on this mission." I said, walking towards them.

"Y/n? Why not?" Chuuya asked, turning his body towards me, he seen I was a complete wreck, "what happened?"

"I had a dream, we all went on the mission together...then...we all died."

Akutagawa turned his attention to me, he flicked my forehead, "as if we would let you die."

"Listen." I said sternly, "Mori, I'll handle this mission solo, I will not endanger the lives of 2 more executives."

"Y/n..." Mori said nearly speechless at my actions, he's never seen me act this way, he knew to trust my instincts, "Chuuya, Akutagawa. You two will be given a separate mission."

"Boss, we need to go with her!" Chuuya pleaded, "we can't let her die!"

"I won't die, at the very most I might fail the mission but- I refuse to die."

Aku ruffled my hair, "that's a promise, you understand?"

"Yes." I nodded, "I'm heading out now."

I turned and began to walk out of the office. Chuuya hugged me then whispered a phrase in my ear, I love you, come back safe.

I smiled then nodded. I walked out of the office and then...my mission began.

~time skip because we lazy😌~

I began to look around town and then I seen it...the same place as my dream, which means they're near.

My guard immediately went up, I checked my surroundings. I began to calm down...then I heard a clap.

"Y/n L/n, one of the 5 mafia executives." I heard a voice say.

I turned around and sure enough, just like my dream...stood 3 men.

"It's kind of sad we meet again as enemies." Nikolai said almost sounding sad.

"It is unfortunate, however we can't do much about it." Fyodor replied to him

"Master Fyodor, whenever you want me to get rid of her, I will."

What did they mean as enemies? They don't know me right?

"Y/n, do you happen to remember who I am?" Nikolai said jumping down from the giant rock figure, he began to walk towards me.

"N-No..." I said hesitant.

"So they erased your memory?" He asked, reaching his hand out to touch my face. Something about him seemed familiar.

"Erased? What are you talking about?"

"Y/n L/n, a mafia executive. 17 year old girl, height: approximately (height) weight: approximately (weight). 12 years ago, during the massacre of her family, she managed to escape barely, it's said that she was responsible for her mother's death however was never proven. After the death of her family, she was kidnapped where she was brutally tortured, 2 years later, Mori Ougai came to her rescue and later adopted her, she became a mafia member at 7. We know more about you than you do yourself." Fyodor explained

My eyes widen, "that- that can't be me!"

Nikolai smiled gently, "they erased that from your memory, it's a very nasty way of controlling someone, you've been played your whole life. I'm guessing daddy dearest knew about it to."

"No...no! You're lying!" I screamed, I was frozen, too afraid to move.

"Let's take her with us, it's only right she remembers who we are." Fyodor suggested

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