Receiving Help pt.2

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Fyodor's P.O.V.
We looked at the therapist in confusion, "so- explain, you're younger than us and-"

"Hey! I am 16-....15 going on 16." She said with a sour face, "god I'm getting old." She began to sob in the corner again.

"You- you're supposed to be our therapist- why do I feel like you're the one who needs therapy?" Niko asked bravely, this girl definitely did not seem normal.

"Unfortunately, I get that a lot." She hugged her knees, "well being a therapist isn't my actual job."

"I see, doesn't seem you're suited for-" I started

"Don't even think of finishing that sentence." Author-Chan stood up and grabbed the nearby flower vase, "so help me god I will drown both of you hotties in this water."

"I don't think just a vase full of water will dro-" Niko nudged me with his elbow, "shut up asshole she called us hot. Let that sink in for a moment will you? After all, she must have wack taste if she thinks you're hot, I can definitely see me though."

She giggled while I responded to Niko, "I am very attractive Niko, don't start this again."

"You know I'm cuter than you are!"

"Boys! You're both exceptionally good-looking-" Author-Chan put the vase down and smiled, "now where were we?"

Niko and I exchanged glances before I started, "well, while in Russia, while doing illegal activities. My house was robbed by a rival gang...and my parents suffered the consequences. They were both murdered and our first kills were the people who did it."

"Ahh! I see! Good payba-....I mean-" she cleared her throat, "murder is never justified."

Niko awkwardly nodded, I continued, "so after that, the Rats in the House of the Dead became a thing and we wan...I wanted to live in a world free of the gifted."

"Isn't that too long of a na-...." she cleared her throat again, "Because it was people with abilities that killed your parents?"

"Yes." I nodded slowly, "when we reunited with Y/n L/n, that all changed. I wanted to be a protector. She's like a little sister to me, I just want to protect her."

"The baby too, even if it is Dazai's." Niko rolled his eyes.

"Baby? So this y/n is pregnant with Dazai's kid? Isn't he like 17?"

"They both are." Niko responded, chewing his nails, "God that guy is so lucky."

Author-Chan blinked, "you mean to tell me, two 17 year olds are out here making children and the mafia boss Mori just allowed it?"

"N/n told us that he beat Dazai with a clipboard-" I shrugged.

"Ahaaa haaa, imagine having a father."

"You don't have a father?" Niko asked curiously.

"I have no parents what so ever...You wanna hear my monologue?!" She clapped excitedly before her tone turned serious, "10 years ago, in a town not too far, there lived a family who were extremely happy. Of course only on the outside, the drunken father beat the daughter and his wife and even raised a weapon to the pair. The mother was more concerned on protecting herself so she used the child as a shield. The abuse carried on for years up until the daughter was 12 and one day she packed her shit and ran away. She found this city and it's been her home ever since. She's lives with no parents, just school drama and a lot of illegal things. The end."

"That's horrible..."

"Oh no, it's fine! After all, what's not to like about parents not being in my life? I can do drugs and drink, it's great!"

She immediately covered her mouth with a hand, "Probably shouldn't have said that out loud."

"No it's alright, been there done that sort of thing." Niko chuckled, having his hand in his hair.

"Well that should conclude our first session, unless you'd like to hang out? Because I literally have no friends."

"With all the drugs and drinking I thought you'd be real popular." I turned my head in slight confusion

"Well sure I drink and smoke but really I'm a loner. I hardly go anywhere outside of my home, unless for school of course."

"Well then Author-Chan, lets be friends and hang out." Niko stood up and extended his hand.

I would never forget the look on her face, she was totally surprised, as if she genuinely wasn't expecting it. She smiled brightly before grabbing Niko's hand. Standing up, she lifted her head and to both of our surprise we seen tears streaming down her face, "Okay!"

After leaving, we led Author-Chan to a arcade, we assumed she never went before. Our assumption proved to be correct because her eyes light up when she saw the place.

Niko and her quickly got along. She was just like him. I stood there watching the two. Smiling and laughing, they both looked so happy. I felt a smile tug at my lips watching them.

I understood that she hid all of her pain and suffering behind her weird humor. She really...just wanted to be accepted for who she is.

She didn't get close to people because they always ended up betraying her, so she protects herself by putting up walls. She doesn't talk much to others outside of her job because she feels they never pay attention.

At the end of it all, we took a group photo to commemorate the start of a new friendship.
should probably start off by saying, i don't and have never gotten abused. it's just part of the storyline. i have drank and smoked before tho👀 don't tell anybody🤫 and i kinda just wanted a chapter about how i feel i get treated, how i feel i get unfairly used and how i feel my voice is never heard. this is a safe space. i love all of you, thank you for continuing to support me❤️

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