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Your P.O.V.
I try my hardest to be a daughter Mori can always be proud of, although it is extremely hard, I knocked on his door,

"Come in." I heard him say, I opened the door to reveal a half naked Elise and Mori attempting to dress her

"Oh y/n! Welcome, sorry I haven't been able to talk to you recently, you know how busy I get."

"Yea I understand Dad." When it's just the two of us he nearly forces me to call him dad, due to the fact, he doesn't want to just have a "boss-subordinate" relationship with me, he also wants the "father-daughter" connection.

"So? What did you need?"

"I more or less wanted to talk, it's been a while."

"Ahh, I see. Elise will you please put on the dress?"

"Why should I?" She turned her head away

I sighed and kneeled down next to her, "if you do it, I'll make sure after my next mission I stop by your favorite sweets store~"

Without another word the blonde little girl started pulling on the dress, Mori chuckled quietly then gave me a look of satisfaction. After she put the dress on, I brought out coloring books and we laid on the floor coloring,

"Y/n, it's been forever since we've done this." She pouted but then she smiled.

"I'm sorry, even I get busy from time to time."

"Y/n, you came here to talk right?"

"Oh right, it's more of I have a question."

"Go ahead."

"Is there a specific reason you made Dazai and I team up?"

"I thought you both being tacticians would come up with a good enough plan to infiltrate and you did."

"But what if Chuuya were to use Corruption? Dazai wouldn't be-"

"I arranged Dazai to be close to Chuuya if that were to happen."

"So there's no specific reasoning behind the teams?" I asked suspiciously.

"No, why are you asking this?"

"It doesn't make sense to me, Double Black was one of our strongest partnerships back in Dazai's mafia days. It would've benefited us way more if they were teamed up again, instead you replaced Chuuya with me. I would've made a better partner for Kunikida."

"Why Kunikida?"

"He's more or less a middle range fighter, with me being a master of close combat I could've benefited from being partnered with him because he would've had my back."

"Are you upset with the teams I've chosen?"

"Not necessarily, but it's not something I was able to wrap my head around."

Elise laid there still coloring then she stopped, "Rintaro why are you lying? You received a call from Dazai Osamu begging to be her partner."

I looked at Mori, "is this true?"

"Elise! You told me you could keep it a secret!" He groaned then sighed, "Yes, Dazai called me and asked if you could be his partner."

"Why did he ask?"

"I honestly don't even know myself but he got what he wanted, you guys are partners."

"I'm aware of what we are, my new question is why did you allow it?"

"He seemed upset, frustrated, I just assumed he missed you or something, after all from what he knew you were dead, it was even announced on tv for the police to stop chasing you."

Eternally His (Dazai Osamu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now