The Twins

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Your P.O.V.
For as long as I could remember I was always compared to my brother. He was the kid genius while I was the delinquent yet we looked the exact same. He was smart while I was made out to be stupid.

He was preferred over me even if the people didn't want to say it, we argued quite frequently.

"You can't even get good grades, what makes you think you'll ever be better than me?!"

"Dad said I'm the best! I am the best!"

Due to the recent passing of our father, B/n seemed more happy than usual and that pissed me off.

I didn't like the fact that Dad did all he could to protect people who didn't care for him or his well being, I wish he just let them die, but of course, his fatherly duty was to protect the family. That's what he would say.

I felt that the death of our mother left a hole in B/n's heart. After a while, I stopped visiting him. Not only did I get busy but I didn't want to see my twin's face anymore.

But one day it was different I was 10, my brother called for me to meet him once again, I wasn't sure what he wanted but if he pissed me off I could always kill him, right?

Mori told me that I wasn't to hurt him so I obeyed. He drove me to the meeting place and there stood my brother.

"What did you want?"

"I'm joining the police force."

We really did have different paths in the end, he chose the side of light, while I chose the side of dark.

"I see."

"I intend to bring down your entire organization, count on it."

My eyes widened at his words, I chuckled, "if you become a nuisance expect to lose your life."

I held my fist out in front of him, signaling him to do the same. He did, surprisingly. When we bumped fists, it felt like a different world was created between the two of us.

A world of happiness.

My brother may have been the favorite but he was still unhappy in the current world we live in. If he were to actually pursue me I'm not 100% sure I'd get away, after all he was a genius, calculating strategies is what he's best at.

After that meeting, it was the last I saw of him. I didn't see him become a police officer or anything, I assumed he gave up and quit because that was usually what he did when we were younger.

If something didn't go the way he wanted it to, he would toss it aside and find something different.

It was weird seeing my brother quit though, I thought he was dead set of stopping the Mafia, I guess I was wrong.

Despite what a lot of people think about us, we have a deep bond with one another, we deeply care for each other. One twin loves the other.

I didn't like the fact he was stubborn but gave up on becoming a police officer entirely, until I realized, what if he just found another career that interested him?

We're the same age, him being older by 8 seconds. Ever since then, I've had an odd attachment to the number 8, it was one of my favorite numbers. I believe that was due to my undeniable love for my brother.

Aside from the fact I love my brother, the one thing I never wanted him to have was victory. I wanted to always win against him.

Well you can't really win against someone who's practically been wiped off the face of the earth. I haven't seen him, heard from him. Nothing.

When I investigated his disappearance, I talked to many people who also said they didn't see him. I was confused.

Was he like... killed? No, wouldn't I be able to feel that? Not feel the pain of course but feel the loss of his presence?

I would sit in my office day in, day out. Just thinking of where he could be.

Mori would pat my head and tell me, "N/n, everything will be fine. I'll protect you."

I nodded and would cry and hug him.

I shot out of bed, sweating.
so no cap as i was writing this instead of putting number i put letter woooo man, we dodged a bullet with that one😅 this was actually a shorter chapter than usual because i didn't have much inspiration. i'm losing ideas😔 but i still hope you enjoyed this

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