Rule 13

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Your P.O.V.
"Let the game begin!" I said cheerfully.

One of the hostages, "why are you doing this?!"

I turned to him and smiled, "let me ask you a question now: why not?"

He shivered, "so what now? You plan to kill innocent people?!"

"Sure." I shrugged, "it's not like this is my first rodeo. Do I really have to remind you of my job and what role I play?"

He looked at me, then fell silent. I took that time to sit on the chair placed in the middle of the circle, "Well I guess we can have a conversation before we literally start."

"I'm feeling generous, ask any question and I'll answer."

A man spoke first, "will our families be okay?"

"I can't promise that, if I feel bored again and something just so happens to effect Dazai I'm so much of the tiniest way possible. I'll kill everyone in your family."

The woman next to him spoke next, "you're doing all this because Dazai was shot?"

"Precisely. I'm sure you can all comprehend how angry I am. If you can't, well..." I smirked, "you'll find out soon."

"How do we survive this game?" The man next to the woman asked

"Well..." I tapped my right temple, suggesting it was smarts, but truth is if I want them to die, they'll die.

"So smarts? Alright. I'm willing to play."

Deception was something I'm credited for, especially in the Port Mafia. I received a call, I answered, "hello?" My voice was drowning in irritation.

"Y/n." A familiar voice said through the phone. My eyes widened, "Dazai?"

"Don't do anything stupid, you hear me? I'm fine. Come to the hospital...I want to see you."

I sat there stunned, I was speechless, "y/n?" He said again.


"Come please. I really miss you."

"I'm on my way." I said, hanging up. "Consider today your lucky day."

I left them all tied to chairs, the unlucky part was I'm not letting them go. The lucky part is I'm letting them live. I rushed out of the door.

Dazai's P.O.V.
I knew she was about to do something. I was lucky enough to call her when I did, "Uhm- Dazai..." the nurse turned to me, "can we, next time, do it in a room like this?"

I sighed then made a childish shoo hand motion, "if I feel like it."

She blushed brightly, I knew she wasn't going to be happy with this...

But- right as the nurse turned to leave, Y/n burst through the door. "Y/n." I said in shock, I knew she said she was on her way but I didn't expect her to be here so soon.

She was panting but ran over to me and buried her face in my bandaged shoulder, "I was so worried you idiot."

"I'm sorry." I turned my attention to the nurse, I pointed at the door and she took her leave. "Y/n, sit down I need to tell you something."


I sighed, "that nurse..."

"What about her?" Her eyes were glued to mine. She knew. She already knew.

"You know I'm guessing."

"I can smell it on you."

"You can?" I asked shocked, then started to smell my clothing.

"The reason?" She now said with irritation.

"Of course you'd be mad, I did go behind your back after all."

"Dazai." She now 100% annoyed, "the reason."


Her annoyed expression disappeared, "what kind?"

"about what she knew about a rat member that was discharged the other day."

"Okay." She hugged my body again, her face in my chest, "I love you."

"I love you too." I embraced her tightly, of course I wasn't proud of my actions but for some reason she put faith in me. She didn't get mad like I thought, she handled it well. Which surprised me, usually any woman who dared to even look my way was brutally tortured or killed immediately. She didn't like having competition.

I looked down at her, "why did you handle that so well?"

"You said it was for information, do you remember the promise we made when we were young?"


"Rule 13: if one is either caught or gives into the action of cheating for information, the action is discarded and therefore doesn't count."

"Oh yea! Still it made me feel bad."

She kissed my neck, "it's fine Dazai. I was upset up until you told me it was for information. Why would I be at that? You're trying to protect something just like I am."

"Y/n." I said seriously, she looked up at me, "I love you and the fact you're so understanding."

"Well..." She said blushing slightly, "I can't say I handled it the best way. When I seen her and the way she was looking at you I wanted to rip her head off her shoulders."

I chuckled, "you're so possessive."

"You're mine. I'm yours. That's it."

"Yes, in any of the rules did it say something about the knowledge of cheating?"

She nodded then spoke again, "Rule 12: if you must cheat, notify the other."

"I didn't notify you."

"It's alright, you don't remember the rules very well."

"When I get discharged, tell me about the rest okay?"

"Okay." She said as she began to relax, "Dazai."


"Do you want to know another reason why I didn't stress too much about it?"

"Yes, what is it?"

"She was clingy and you don't like clingy. On top of that, you're wearing your ring, letting her know you already belong to someone. I made sure when I first came in here I showed off the ring just so she knew." She smiled up at me


"Possessive, obsessive. Yes. As I said before, you belong to me. There's no reason why no one shouldn't know that. I make that clear to anyone."

I lifted her face to look at me, then placed a gentle kiss on her lips, "and I wouldn't want you any other way, my beautiful princess."
alright so, no joke my inspiration for writing this chapter was the manga, i'm getting caught up and i-
anyway to be clear, dazai maybe have actually fucked the nurse but it wasn't to get information about the rats🥺 also like usual this is not proofread and i'm currently in math so-

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