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Fyodor's P.O.V.
I opened my eyes to see Nikolai and a pair of legs under us, I looked up to see Author-Chan watching tv. "Good morning."

She jumped a bit before smiling, "good morning."

"How'd you sleep?" I asked, moving to sit myself up.

"Sleep? Bitch who sleeps? Not I."

"So you didn't sleep-"

"No sir."

"Nikolai wake your ass up and help me put this bitch to sleep."

Nikolai shot up, "she didn't sleep?!"

She giggled before taking off running down the hall, "catch her!"

When Nikolai caught her, he threw her over his shoulder playfully, "wow, you can really see everything from up here. You guys are so tall!"

Niko set her down lightly on the couch before forcing her head on his lap, "sleep."

"But I'm not tired-"

I stretched her legs out on my lap and rubbed her outer thigh, she got comfortable before Nikolai started pouting again.

"Sleep baby." Niko whined, she laid her head back down on his lap before mumbling something. She closed her eyes and within a few minutes she was fast asleep.

Nikolai smiled and grabbed the remote, "what do you want to watch Dos?"

"I don't care." I looked over to see the Kuroo cutout we made her then chuckled, "you know I think we're going to be number 2 in her heart."

"Imagine your girlfriend being more in love with Tetsurou Kuroo than you." He sighed sadly then laughed.

"She looks peaceful when she's sleeping." I smiled lightly.

Nikolai pulled my face closer to his before placing a gentle kiss on my lips. I kissed him back before we both pulled away. His red face flashed me a white smile as I began to chuckle. (😏)

After our kiss, we watched tv and waited for her to wake up.

Dazai's P.O.V.
"Y/N!" I screamed out.

"What now Dazai?" She called from another room.

"I lost Haruki!"

"You fucking idiot." She walked in the room and we began to search for him. She managed to find him in the closet, "I'm taking him. You're irresponsible."

I smiled, "no~! I love him!"

"How'd you even lose him?"

"Well- He- just kinda disappeared."

"Shut up." She smack the back of my head before walking back out of the room.

I followed her and made funny faces at her which caused Haruki to laugh.

Haruki was almost a year old now (a lot of timeskips without saying timeskip ik)

He held his little arms out to me, as if he was telling me to pick him up, I extended my arms and quickly took my son from his mom before running.

"DAZAI!" She yelled before doing a full sprint after me. As she was about to jump on me, there was a knock at the door.

She immediately collected herself and went to answer it. I peeked from the hallway with Haruki, who was giggling.

"Dad!" Y/n said, my mood immediately dropped, "this fucking guy." I said in my mind

Mori seemed to be more in grandpa mode than usual, "where's my grand baby?"

"Dazai, let Haruki come see his pops."

I carried Haruki out before allowing him to attempt to walk to Mori, he stumbled but got back up and held his arms out for Mori to take him.

Mori looked overjoyed and he smiled, kissing Haruki's head. He opened his mouth to speak.

Y/n smiled before realizing Haruki was gonna say his first word. We had made a bet earlier saying what he first word would be. I naturally went with "Daddy" and Y/n went with "Mommy"

He smiled at me before looking back at Mori, "Poppa!"

Mori's lip quivered before he began to cry tears of joy. He looked at me before casually saying, "that was his first word was it not?"

Y/n and I looked at each other, sort of disappointed but happy nonetheless. The brown haired, e/c eyed baby bounced up and down while clapping, repeating his word over and over again.

Mori was extremely happy and offered to take Haruki out. It wasn't an offer...but- Y/n let him leave with our baby. "That old ass fucking bitch." She said, once he closed the door.

"That little traitor." I sighed.

We both sat on the couch, drinking alcohol and complaining about Haruki calling out for his grandpa before his mother and father. We were extremely jealous.

We were watching tv and Y/n yawned, she laid her head on my thigh and I instinctively placed my hand on her side. The two of us both ended up falling asleep.
notice how this chapter is basically about sleep? YEA I WANT IT. GIVE IT. i haven't been sleeping good so that why i wasn't able to give you guys another chapter this was mainly just put together along the way because i didn't have any ideas. i'm going to fucking sleep. goodnight

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