The Date pt.2

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Your P.O.V.
I watched as Dazai began talking to the two figures I identified as Ranpo Edogawa and Atsushi Nakajima.

"So you're on a date?" Ranpo asked


"With who?"

"Y/n L/n, a Mafia executive."

"You're on a date with-" Ranpo started

"A mafia executive?" Atsushi finished

I walked over to them and waved, "hi."

"Yes, Atsushi, Ranpo, meet the love of my life Y/n." He smiled as he turned his attention to me

"Okay. Look. No one-"

He placed a gentle kiss on my lips, when he pulled away, he gave me a smile.

Dazai's P.O.V.
I smiled down at her, hoping she wouldn't hit me. Ranpo and Atsushi stood there dumbfounded.

A smile met mine. Y/n was smiling then swatted my shoulder, "dummy."

I chuckled and hugged her, "I love you."

"Whatever loser. You're squeezing me." She complained as she began to hug back, no matter what this woman were to do or say. Nothing could ever make me stop loving her.

"Okay well sorry to interrupt your mission, we should go." I took Y/n's hand and began walking away. Ranpo and Atsushi still stood there completely speechless.

"Where would you like to go now Y/n?"

"Hmm...your house~" she teased

"How inappropriate~ that's a naughty girl~"

"Okay first of all, no one said shit about us doing anything while being there pervert." She looked away from me

I felt my face heat up, "ahaha...right."

"Anyway Perverted Dazai. Where do you wanna go?"

"Y/n, do you have a house?"

"No actually, I live in my office."

"You're kidding."

"Of course I am, I live with my father."

"In a house?"

"Nooo in a sheddd. Of course a house, what do I look think to you? Poor?"

"Of course not, well maybe."

"Ohhhh, so it's like that?"

"No no no, listen, you don't wear anything but a long sleeve dress shirt, pants, and your coat."

"Oi! I wear socks and shoes too!"

I laughed, "right right, socks and shoes."


We continued wandering around town, going in and out of stores that interested us. Y/n still had the book in her right hand. I looked down at it, "do you wanna go for drinks?"

Her eyes lit up, "alcohol?!"

"Yes of course."

"Yay!" She said happily.

I sighed, "you always have been an alcoholic."

"Look, look. I'm not an alcoholic I just enjoy drinking..."

"And smoking, can't forget smoking."

"Look! When you commit as many crimes as I have, you gotta try some drugs or drinks and sometimes you get addicted! Leave me alone!"

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