The Date

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Dazai's P.O.V.
I woke up and looked over at the clock. 6:45am

"Mmmm.." I groaned, I got out of bed and headed for the shower. I honestly couldn't wait to see y/n, lets just hope she dresses nice. With that thought, I sighed. Knowing she'd probably be in her usual attire:

A white long sleeved dress shirt, black pants, a belt, her cute little suspenders, and of course her executive coat.

I got out of the shower and went to the kitchen, I made myself some toast since that's the only edible thing I can actually make, after eating I got dressed in my also usual attire.

I headed down to the Agency, put on a smile and threw the door open, "Good Morning~"

"Good Morning Dazai-san." Atsushi greeted me

I walked happily to Fukuzawa's office, I knocked.

"Come in."

"Hey President, can I have today off?"


"Well...I have a date."

"So you want off of work so you can go on a date?"


"I'll allow it but make sure to get your report in on time."

"I will, thank you."

I walked out and waved everyone goodbye, "Dazai-san, where are you going?"

"I, my dear Atsushi, have a date." I smiled brightly

His eyes lit up, "with who?!"

Kunikida looked baffled, ""

Yosano gave me a high five, "who's the lucky girl?"

"I don't kiss and tell." I laughed

I looked at the clock. 8:30

"Alright you guys, I should go, don't want to keep her waiting!"

"You're spending the whole day with her?"

"Yes Ranpo-san!"

"Have fun!" They all wished me luck, Kunikida stood there still shocked.

I opened the door and exited, I began walking to our meeting point.

Y/n stood her in of course her usual attire. I saw her and waved, she waved back.

"Where's your coat?"

"Mori said I would stand out a lot if I wore it, so he's taking care of it for today."

"I see." I grabbed her wrist and began to walk, "let's have a lot of fun today!"

She chuckled, "Yea."

We first went to a arcade and played games, we sat across from each other, "Okay if I win you get to do one thing for me, an order."

"Deal!" She said with determination, so cute!

I won, I looked at her shocked face then laughed, "okay well, my order is-"

"One more round!"

"Y/n we've played like 5 times already." I laughed again

"I've lost 5 times..." she said sadly

"It's nice to see the 'mOsT fEaReD' mafia member has feelings."

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