Having a Pet

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Adam would be the type to bring home a piglet or perhaps several baby ducks as a surprise for you. He would be all smiles, holding the animal within his arms and present your "baby" with all the enthusiasm that he can barely restrain within himself. Together you would work as a team to take care of your Baby, buying all the necessities and building your Baby its own room space to move around in. Adam would shop online to spoil your Baby, buying toys or little clothing accessories. Adam would cherish and love them to his heart's content, and witnessing his love for them would bring you nothing but joy and happiness. 


Bree never paid much mind to animals. She would find certain animals too messy or a hassle to take care of whether it is a dog or a bird or pig. You would persuade her into getting a hamster, taking full responsibility to take care of it. She could never say no to you. Although she liked to pretend that she didn't care much for the little thing, there were moments where you would see her feed your little princess, Hammy, or have one sided conversations with her. It was adorable, and you couldn't help but love Bree for it. 


You and Chase would agree on an animal that wouldn't trigger his allergies; agreeing on no dogs. Chase would settle on a cat; and no sooner than later would you both happen to stumble upon a shivering cold kitten lost in an alleyway. This would leave you two to debate over naming the precious kitten that had you both wrapped around its little paws. Settling on Scrappy, Chase would like to act indifferent, but he can be found either cuddling the kitten or be found having Scrappy perched upon his shoulder. Seeing them together made your insides warm, and you wouldn't have it any other way.


Leo would beg you for a dog, any dog as long as it was a dog. This would spark several weeks of researching beforehand, looking at different breeds and different adoption or rescue centers to find your perfect dog. Eventually, you two would find the perfect dog by the name of Bucky, the cutest puppy with a missing leg. Leo would build Bucky an artificial leg, help him adjust to it and train him to be "the best dog ever." Leo would love Bucky to pieces, spoiling him and showering him with all the love he can muster. Watching them made your heart burst, and you couldn't help but love them more.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2021 ⏰

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