When One of You Get Lost

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The one time you got lost was in an abandoned warehouse during a mission.

You did not have your phone at the time, and the comm that you had broke when it fell out of your ear and Leo stepped on it by accident.

You're not sure how it happened, exactly. But one minute you were following the others and the next, they were gone.

Go figure.

You did panic a little, because there was a rouge superhero who was keeping hostages to feed off their greatest trait they had (intelligence, strength, etc.)

Just before you could fully panic, Adam was rushing down the hall to get to you. "You all right?"

You nod, breathing a sigh of relief. "Yeah, I got lost. Sorry."

Adam shakes his head, "You don't have to apologize for getting lost. I should have been paying attention." Adam grips your hand and laces your fingers together. "Chase thinks he might know where the superhero is located, lets go before that changes."

As Adam leads the way, he makes sure that he keeps a firm but gentle hold on your hand.


You get lost at the mall.

Bree loves to shop, so when she has the chance, she'll drag you to the mall or whatever shopping center she can find.

She ends up taking you to this new mall which you have never been before. And she's excited to explore, so she takes your hand and drags you through the thick crowds of people.

But as you try maneuvering through people, her grips loosens and your hands loose contact.

You try to get through the crowds and call her name but it's no use. The people are chattering aloud and there's just too many people.

You go to dig out your phone from your pack pocket only to find that it's dead.

"[Name]!" Bree pushes her way through the crowd to get to you.

"I couldn't find or call you." You tell her as she stops in front of you. "I don't like this mall."

Bree nods in agreement, "Too many people. I may love the mall, but not this one. I heard that it's super busy like this everyday, but I didn't expect it like this."

You take her hand in yours. "Let go home."

"Okay," she smiles, planting a kiss on your cheek.


You, Leo, and the Davenport trio are in dark Halloween maze, and it would have been fun if you all agreed on going in a certain direction.

But of course, it doesn't work like that with the Davenport family.

Leo and the Davenport trio are bickering about which direction to go in, and you try getting their attention but there's no point when they all fight to be in the leader position.

You end up going down one tunnel, then the next, and then the other until you hear voices and see the faint light coming from the exit.

You circle back to get to the others but by the time you reach the original spot, they're gone.

Once getting back out, you see Douglas' brows raised as Tasha and Mr. Davenport scan the exit for the others.

"It's just me." You tell them as you stand beside Douglas. "The others kept fighting for the lead position and where to go but I eventually found the exit. By the time I went back for them, they were gone."

Douglas laughs aloud as he pats your shoulder, "That's my girl."

It's another ten minutes before the others come through the exit, and their faces are priceless when they see you there waiting for them.

"We sorta got lost," Chase admits, cheeks flushing as he nears you. "And when we realized you weren't there, we searched for you."

"How thoughtful," you hum with a sly smile.


"Where's Leo?" You look around, but Leo is gone.

"Oh, you guys didn't notice?" Adam asks, fiddling with his flashlight.

"Notice what?" Bree asks, narrowing her eyes at Adam.

Adam looks at you, Bree, and Chase. "He wasn't with us for the past ten minutes."

"And you didn't think to say anything?!" Chase raises his voice at Adam in irritation.

"I thought you knew everything, Mr. Smarty Pants." Adam bites back at Chase.

You groan with a roll of your eyes, "Leo is missing in a haunted house. We're never going to find him, this house is way too big."

Suddenly you all hear a high pitched girly scream, and your body relaxes as Leo suddenly rounds the corner and straight at all you. "RUN!"

There's a masked killer running at you all with a chain saw, which makes you all scream and run.

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