Favorite Personality Traits

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He loved how sweet you could be. You were so sweet to everyone, and meeting new people would sometimes make you shy and sweet and Adam had loved that.

You loved how caring Adam could be. Whenever his loved ones were in danger, he would do almost anything to save or protect them. If anyone were to mess with them, they would have to go through Adam first.


She loved how kind you could be. You were kind to everyone you met. You were a kind person in general, but that kindness could quickly turn into rudeness if anyone messed with the people you cared about.

You loved how sassy she could be. She was sassy most of the time, answering sarcastically when someone asked a dumb question. You thought she was funny when she threw in a sarcastic remark or comment when talking to someone. It amused you to know end.


He loved how calm you could be. You were laid back and calm most of the time and since he had Spike, he knew your calmness could calm Spike and also prevent Spike from making an apperance. He loved your calm energy.

You loved how clever he could be. Sometimes (sometimes) when he could come up with a clever comeback, you would feel pride swelling in your chest and you would mentally give him a high five, since he couldn't come up with a comeback most of the time.


He loved how adventurous you could be. Willing to be caught just to see something different. You were the one who loved to explore, seeking adventures to try and do something different which made him love you even more.

You loved how dedicated he could be. When a challenge would rise, Leo was dedicated to solve it and find a solution. He would dedicate himself to almost anything really, which you admired.

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