When You Realize You Love Them

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When you were having a rough day. You were stressed about school, and not to mention that now Mr. Davenport had let you join them on missions, and it was taking a toll on you. Adam was always there though, comforting you by telling bad jokes or just by hugging you, letting you know that he was there when you needed him. You did need him, he was your rock, your comfort, he was your love.


When you went on your first date with Bree, you knew she was something special. You liked her laugh, the way she smiled, amd how charming she could be. When she went on missions, you were always anxious, always on your toes when she would leave. She would assure you that she would be fine and promise that she'll come back safe. You knew she was capable of handling herself, but you still would always worry. When she did return, you loved the feeling of her running into your arms. You loved everything about her, and nothing was ever going to change that.


Many things have happened in your past, and you had learned a lot. You cut ties with people who you knew never really cared for you. You've been hurt so many times that you had promised yourself that you wouldn't fall in love, but that changed when you met Chase. You still kept your guard up, your walls built up, but somehow he seemed to break through your walls. You didn't want to be in a relationship, you didn't want to care for the genius, but things happen. Whenever you were at your weakest, he always seemed to know and would always be there. It was only a matter of time before you realized you loved him.


Leo was sweet, caring, funny, and so energetic. Whenever you would walk into the room, you would notice the way his eyes would light up. It made you happy to see that someone was so eager to see you and always wanted to be with you. You tried your best not to fall for the goofball, denying the warm sensation that ran through your stomach everytime you saw him. You tried hard not to fall in love, but somehow he made his way into your heart, and you couldn't lie to yourslef anymore, you were utterly in love with him.

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