Celebrating Valentine's Day

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"Oh, Adam!" You smell the bouquet of flowers.

"Also," Adam thrusts a box of chocolates in your hand, "here you go. Now, Mr. Davenport gave us the night off. So get ready because in two hours we're heading off."

"Where?" You ask, not even attempting to fight off your smile.

"That is for me to know, and for me to know." Adam says, making you raise a brow. "Anyways, I would get ready if I were you."

"Okay." You lean up to kiss him. "Thank you for the gifts. Yours is almost done, okay?"

"I can wait."

Before leaving, you give Adam his gift which ended up being a new video game and a box of chocolates as well. Adam later in the evening took you out to a little carnival, where you both were currently sharing a milkshake and donut.

You squeal when Adam bops your nose with a dollop of whip cream.

"I love you," he says, kissing you for a moment before leaning back.

You smile, flicking a bit of whip cream in his direction. "I love you too, dork."

"I'm not a dork!" He laughs, moving the milkshake closer to him.

"Are too!" You smile.


"You know," you say, eyes scanning the people in the park, "this reminds me of our first date."

"It's why I did it." Bree smiles, eyes flickering to the people enjoying their own picnic. You laugh a little, which catches her attention. "What?"

You shake your head. "Nothing." You turn to look at her. "I knew you could be a sap, but wow."

She rolls her eyes and punches your arm, sending you both into a giggling mess. "I'm just kidding, I very much enjoy it." You smile at her. "Thank you for bring me here."

She smiles, leaning in for a kiss. But instead of feeling a pair of lips, she opens her eyes to be met with a frozen covered chocolate strawberry.

She sees you biting your bottom lip to contain your laughter. She rolls her eyes and bites the strawberry, humming in content as she sits back upright.


She nods, hand covering her mouth for a moment before dropping it. "I didn't think it would be that good."

"Well, looks like we're gonna have to go to that bakery more often," you say, eating one for yourself.

"Looks like it." Bree grabs another for herself.


"Who knew going to another beach would be joyful."

"It's not the island."


You and Chase kept it simple and went to a diner and slowly made your way to the boardwalk, and eventually walked down along the shore.

Even though you were constantly surrounded by the ocean, being somewhere else made the experience feel different. Walking along this beach made you feel as if you haven't been to the beach in years.

"This place is amazing," you say, looking at the waves tumbling on to the shore.

Chase catches you smiling. "It's a different feel because we're not at the academy. We tie the bionic island to work and missions - we don't see it as a vacation or a place to relax. Here is different, because it is different. We're enjoying ourselves, it's a break away from the academy."

"That was getting kinda deep there."


You stop walking, making him stop as well. "Don't apologize. There's nothing to be sorry for." You lean in, pressing your lips together for a sweet moment, before whispering, "I love you."

He repeats your words just as quietly, his whisper being carried along the breeze and far out to the ocean.


"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Honey, I'm fine."

"Food and rides don't mix well when it comes to you."

"That is true, but I promise I'm fine."

Leo made sure he didn't eat much before going on rides because it was never a good outcome. He learned his lesson multiple times.

"We don't have to do this." You tell Leo.

He gives you a reassuring look. "I'm okay. I didn't eat much anyways. Besides, this is a ferris wheel."

"Yeah, last time we were on a ferris wheel, you threw up."

"That was last time." Leo waves off, making you roll your eyes. "I'm telling you, I'm fine."

As the ride starts, Leo grasps your hand in his. "You know what's beautiful?"

You groan, "Leo, I swear if you finish that pickup line I will--"

You don't get to finish as you meet Leo in a kiss. Yes, this was much better than talking at the moment.

"Look," he murmurs.

You smile when you look around, watching the people around entermingling with one another. The stands are covered in fairy-lights, and breeze carries the scent of sweets and fried foods.

You lean into Leo's side with a content smile. "Thanks for bringing me here."

"Of course, my love."

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