Halloween Costumes

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Adam: Beauty and the Beast


You shift your weight side to side, smiling a little as you peer up at Adam.

Adam smile is wide as he takes in your form. "You look...wow."

Adam bends down to kiss your lips, which makes her heart flutter.

You pull away with a soft smile, "You look handsome. Very, handsome."

"Is that so?" He asks with a quirk of a smile, which makes you giggle. "Twirl for me." Adam holds your hand above your head as you spin, your golden dress flaring at the bottom as doing so. When stopping, he gives you another peck on the lips. "Very beautiful."

You can't help but smile, Adam was truly something special.

Bree: Groot and Rocket

"You look so cute, love."

"I'm a freaking raccon."

Bree laughs as you both check yourselves out in the bathroom. You're Rocket and she's Groot.

Bree was the one that wanted to go as Rocket and Groot and for some reason, you can't say no to her when she really wants something.

You do look cute, though. Bree did your makeup and she did her own. She wore boots that made her a few inches taller, making her a few inches taller than you.

"You being short is amazing," she smiles, thumbing at her eyelashes.

You roll your eyes, "Yeah, well, Rocket is shorter than Groot."

She turns to you with a slight bounce and claps her hands together. "Ready?"

She's really excited, and you can't help but smile. "Of course, love."

She squeals in excitment as she takes your hand and rushes out of the bathroom. Yeah, you'll do anything to for her if it makes her happy.

Chase: Bruce Banner and Tony Stark

"I don't think I've ever seen you smile so much."

You quirk a brow as you turn your head to look at Chase. "Is that a bad thing?"

Chase shakes his head, a small smile appearing on his lips as he watches the people on the dance floor. "No, not at all." He turns to look at you. "Care to tell me why you're so smiley."

Chase doesn't need an answer, but he wants to hear it from you even though you may not answer truthfully.

You shrug, swirling the dark liquid in your glass. "It's just that you dressing up as the Bruce Banner makes me all hot and bothered." Chase rolls his eyes half heartly, a pink hue flushing his cheeks. He was expecting that sort of answer. "Not only that, it's just I really admire Tony and Bruce for who they are. You know that," you nudge him a little in his side, eyes glued to the people dancing. "So when you agreed to go as the science duo, I got excited."

Chase expected the first part of your answer, but to admit why you got excited about the idea, well, it made him happy too.

Chase wraps his arm around your waist, pressing his lips to your temple. "You look cute as Tony, too."

You can't help but laugh as you slap his chest lightly. What a dork.

Leo: The Big Bad Wolf and Red Riding Hood

"For someone who's dressed as a wolf, you do look a little terrifying."

"For someone who dresses like Red Riding Hood, you look a little tasty."

You roll your eyes, sighing, "Yeah, I did walk into that one."

Leo laughs, slinging an arm around your shoulder. "You sure did."

You shake your head with a smile as Bob walks up, "Cute costume, [Name]. But you always look cute to me so..."

Leo lets out a visious snarl/growl which sends Bob running away screaming.

You hit Leo on the chest, and slap at the muzzle on his mask. "Why'd you do that? He was only being nice."

Leo shrugs, adjusting his wolf mask as he speaks, "You're my girl."

You smile as lean into Leo's side, "Bob's got nothing on you. You shouldn't feel threaten, Mr. Big Bad Wolf."

All Leo does is shake his butt a little, making it seem as if he was wagging his tail. You roll your eyes half heartly, Leo was a dork.

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