Stealing Hoodies

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"Are you wearing my hoodie?"

"Hmm?" You slowly tear your eyes away from the Tv to look at Adam.

Adam's lips turn up in a smile, "You're wearing my sweater."

"Oh!" You smile down at the black hoodie. The hoodie was large enough to cover your knees if you were curled up, and the sleeves of course went past your hands.

Adam plops beside you and kisses your cheek. "I like it on you." Before you could say anything, Adam turns to look at the Tv and gasps, "Ooh! Tom and Jerry!"

Adam lays his arm on the headrest, and you lean to the right to curl into him, sighing in content.



"What?" Bree feigns innocence, covering up her legs with a blanket.

You cross your arms, "Bree, I've been looking for that sweater for two weeks."

"Oh?" She tilts her head, looking down at your favorite sweater in false surprise. "I guees I found it."

"More like you stole it," you huff, plopping down beside and taking her tea from the coffee table. She makes a noise of protest as you down her warm tea, leaving her cup empty.

"I guess I deserved that," she nods as you cross your arms, eyed fixed on the Tv. "Please, don't be mad."

"You knew I've been looking for it, you even helped me." You turn to glare at her.

"I know," she acknowledges, scooting closer to you and snuggling up into your side. "I just really like this sweater too." She moves to nuzzle your neck. "I'm sorry."

"You're forgiven, I guess," you grumble, as she pressed tiny playful kisses to your neck.


"Is that my hoodie?"

"Yes, Lord Farquad."

Chase rolls his eyed so hard, that for a moment, you think he may be possessed. "Seriously."

You grin, not wavering your gaze from the Tv. "Well, you are short." You're startled when Chase runs and leaps onto the couch, pining you down. You can't help but laugh. "I didn't think you had it in you."

"There's still a few things you don't know about me."

"Oh?" You quirk a brow.

Chase, again, rolls his eyes and huffs which sends you into bouts of laughter until he decides to silence you with a kiss. You hum in content as you run your fingers through his short, spikey hair. After a moment, he pulls away leaving you a tad breathless.

"I should wear your clothes more often."



"My Queen, you're looking absolutely stunning."

"Leo, I'm only in a pair of sweats and a hoodie."

"Yeah, my hoodie."

You look up from your book, raising a brow, "Leo, you are so..."

"Handsome, sweet?" He inquires, walking to sit beside you. He flutters his eyelashes playfully, "Please, do tell."

"Unbelievable," you groan with a laugh.

Leo takes your book and places it on the table before surging forward, laying his entire body on you. You try to protest but Leo shushes you. "It's cuddle time."

"We cuddle like an hour ago!" You huff, trying to adjust his weight. "For being someone so scrawny, you for sure are heavy."

Leo adjusts so that his head is on your chest and his body is between your legs. "Shush now."

You can't help but smile.

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