First Kiss

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You were at the Davenport's house, making brownies as the rest of the family were in the living room, watching a movie. Tasha originally was making the brownies, but you had offered to help which she had been grateful for. As you were mixing the chocolate substance, Adam had strode over and dipped his finger into the bowl.

"Adam!" you scolded.

"What, I didn't do anything," he smiled innocently.

"Don't eat the mix," you stated.

He had whined, saying how good it was as you swatted his hand away. As you went to out the milk and eggs back into the fridge, you heard a drawer open and close. When you turned to look, you saw Adam scooping up the chocolate mix.


Adam quickly stuffed the spoon in his mouth as he tossed it quickly into the sink.

"I didn't do anything!" he exclaimed, holding his hands up in surrender.

"Then explain why there's chocolate on your lips," you stated, pouring the mix into a baking pan and setting it into the oven.

Adam licked his lips, trying to lick it all off. He had asked if it was all gone, but there was a bit of chocolate on his upper lip. You were standing in front of him now, nerves running through your body. With a bold move you leaned up, placing your lips onto his, before pulling back.

"It's all gone now," you replied, smiling a bit shyly.


You and Bree were hanging out in the living room while everyone else had gone out. The boys had went paintballing, and Tasha went grocery shopping.

"Bree, I won't look good in that lipstick," you shook your head.

"Oh, just try it. You look good in everything. Here, let me help you," she smiled.

As she applied the lipstick gently on your lips, you couldn't help but stare, admiring the beautiful girl before you. She was close, just inches away. Once she was done, your instincts took over and without thinking, you pressed your lips to her soft ones.

As you both pulled away, you couldn't help but smile shyly, "I...uh..."

She smiled even more, "It's okay, I liked it."

With that, she leaned in for another kiss.


"C'mon, Chase, you scared? You chicken?" you asked.

"I'm not a chicken," he replied.

"Then what's the problem?" you asked, quirking a brow.

"We could get introuble, and I've never done this before," he stated.

You just sighed. You wanted to ditch math period to get a snack at the local gas station nearby Mission Creek High, but Chase of course thought it was a bad idea.

"You call yourself a bad boy, yet you won't ditch one period? It's just one, Chase. Then we'll come back," you explained.

"Fine," he sighed.

As the bell rang, you and Chase quickly exited English, and went straight for the lockers. When you saw no teachers in sight, you and Chase quickly exited through the double doors, bolting down the street until you both slowed your pace.

"I can't believe we're doing this," he stated.

"Ease up a bit will you, we're fine," you assured.

Once you had arrived at the gas station, you had brought a few snacks for the both of you. Once you paid for the items, you stuffed them in your backpack as you both left the gas station. The sky was a dark grey, thunder rumbling in the distance as it began to rain.

"If we take the shortcut through the apartments, we'll get to school faster," you explained over the rain, feeling your hair getting soaked.

"Okay," Chase agreed, his hair dripping.

As you both walked through the apartments, Chase looked around until he got pulled back and pressed up against the wall. Before any words could escape, he felt soft lips pressed against his own. When he opened his eyes, he saw you smiling softly.

"W-What was t-that for?" he asked, his cheeks flushing a light pink.

"Oh, don't act like you didn't enjoy it," you chuckled, as his cheeks turned red. "Was that your first kiss?"

He nodded a bit shyly as your smile grew. "Well good," you smiled.

You laced your hand in his as you both headed back to school.


You were sitting beside Leo on the couch. Leo had explained that Mr. Davenport had taken Adam, Bree, and Chase to the dentist and that his mom was getting dinner. You thought it was a bit odd, but shrugged it off. You and Leo were bored, but that quickly changed as Leo spotted his half full water bottle.

"How about we have a little bet?" Leo asked, mischief gleaming in his eyes.

"I'm listening," you replied, as you sat up interested.

"If I finish the rest of my water bottle in less than five seconds, you have to kiss my cheek. If I don't, I'll do whatever you want," Leo explained.

"Deal," you replied, thinking that he couldn't finish the rest of the water.

To your surprise, he was able to down the water in less than five seconds.

"I won!" he smiled, wiggling his eyebrows.

You rolled your eyes, leaning forward to kiss his cheek, but at the last second Leo had turned his head, causing you to kiss his lips instead.

You gasped pulling back, "Leo!'

"What? I didn't do anything!" he smiled innocently.

"I can't believe you," you laughed.

"Oh, will you better believe," he smiled, pecking your lips once more.

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