Your Favorite Marvel Movie

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Adam: Thor

There are so many reasons why this movie was one of your and Adam's top favorite movies. For one, Thor was considered one of the strongest Avengers (alongside the Hulk). And of course, Adam had related to that. Not only that, but the love-hate relationship that Thor and Loki had. And even though Chase and Adam loved each other, there were those moments were they would have hate for each other and wouldn't speak to one another until one of them apologized, or until they were forced to (usually by you or Bree). 

Not only that, but Adam could relate to Thor obviously. Thor was sometimes arrogant, cocky, and stupid, but he was also kind, sweet, and selfless (and maybe a little air-headed too (as Chase would point out)). 

And last but not least, you would tease Adam and call Loki hot.

"But, he's Loki."


Bree: Guardians of the Galaxy

Goodness, this movie. It was the humor, the action, the characters. The moment Bree saw Groot, she had fallen in love. Well, she loved them all, but Groot she held close and dear. And you absolutely loved all the characters as well. Groot and Rocket were one of your top favorite characters in the MCU. And the music was fantastic; kicking it old school was a brilliant choice. And after watching the movie, you and Bree had downloaded all the songs on a playlist.

You both loved the relationships between the characters, even if some started out a little rocky. You both shipped Gamora and Peter, and you and Bree had agreed that they both were attractive.

"And them being super pretty makes the ship even better," Bree would smile, popping a piece of popcorn in her mouth.

Chase: Spider-man Homecoming  

This movie. For many starters, Peter freaking Parker. The most dorkiest, sweetest, smol bean that ever lived. Peter Parker was one of your top favorites characters of all time (among Tony and others). This movie showed Peter's characteristics and quirks so well. Peter wasn't perfect (well, he was close) because no one ever was. And his relationship with Ned Leeds was absolutely great. And Michelle Jones was just fantastic.

But one of the relationships that you adored was Tony and Peter's. It was like an unofficial father-son relationship. Tony had taken Peter under his wing and taken care of him and Peter did look up to him. And some moments made you angry (like when Tony took away his suit), but in the end they were there for each other. 

Not to mention that Peter Parker was attractive.

"Uh, no he's not."

"Yes he is, you know it. Be grateful that I have a thing for attractive nerds."

Leo: Black Panther

When this movie came out, Leo went ballistic. Jeez, the day it was going to be released into theaters, Leo dragged you to the first showing, not caring about the consequences that he was going to deal with from Mr. Davenport (since you left without his permission). This movie was absolutely incredible. Goodness, the humor, action scenes, the characters. One of your favorites was Shuri, because she was super intelligent and humorous. And you loved how they portrayed the women. They weren't serialized, they were strong, fierce, and powerful women. And you absolutely adored the relationship T'Challa had with his family. 

And since T'Challa was a King, Leo had utterly lost it. And with your nicknames for each other already, you thought that Leo might've fainted on the spot (with your nicknames being King and Queen).

"I swear, you and I are dressing up for Halloween this year."

"So you can dress up as T'Challa?"

"Hell yeah!" 

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