When Others Catch You Cuddling

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You hum in content as you listen to the soft beat of Adam's heart as you watch the early morning cartoons on tv.

You nor Adam couldn't really sleep so you were up before anyone, cuddling on the couch while everyone was still sleeping.

You must have dozed, because one minute you were cozy and warm against Adam's chest, and the next you were blinking your eyes open to the sound of cooing.

"Aww, you guys are too cute." Bree smiles in adoration.

Chase grumbles as he rubs his sleepily eyes. "It's disgustingly cute, that's what it is."

Bree whacks his arm, as Leo stretches on the other couch. "Chase, you're just jealous because you don't have a girlfriend."

Chase scrunches his nose in offense. "Yeah, well, neither do you."

"I have Janelle." Leo rebuffs.

"Do you?" Chase arches a brow, crossing his arms.

Leo scrowls at him. "It's complicated okay!"

You smile as you snuggle more against Adam's chest, hiding your smile.


"You're heavier than I thought."

"You calling me fat?"

"Never my love," you press your nose against her hair. "You smell like strawberries."

She hums as she places a kiss to your collarbone. "You smell good too, I suppose."

You hit her softly on the head, making her laugh. "You're so mean."

"Not that this is cute and all, but it's my turn on the couch."

"Go away, Leo." Bree says without looking at him.

"But I wanna watch tv." He looks at the tv in longing.

"Too bad."

"You've been cuddling for an hour!" He raises his voice a bit. "My turn on the couch."

"You're such a child!" Bree retorts, while you roll your eyes at the two. "Go away."

"If you don't move, I'm gonna tell Mr. Davenport you two were doing the nasty." He smiles devilishly.

"Leo!" You lift your head to glare at him.

"You wouldn't dare." Bree pushes herself up and turns slightly to look at him.

"Oh, I would." He grins, turning to walk out. "Oh, Mr. Davenport - ahh!"

Bree jumps and runs after him as he takes off down the hall to who knows where.

You count the seconds until you hear a girlish shriek echo throughout the academy.

It took Bree seven seconds to get Leo.


"Now, isn't that adorable."

You're awaken by Douglas taking a picture of you and Chase.

"Not now, Douglas," Chase sighs exhaustively.

"I just came to say good job on the mission, but you two left before I could say anything." Douglas smiles. "I've been looking all over for you guys for an hour."

"An hour?" You move so you aren't speaking into Chase's collarbone. "Old age is catching you up."

"I'm not old."

"Okay, dinosaur."

"I'm not--" Douglas huffs through his nose, which makes you and Chase laugh. "Anyways, that's all I came to say."

"Thank you, Douglas." You tell him sincerely, blinking slowly.

"I can see you guys are about to fall out." He observes. "I'll let you guys be."

Once he leaves, you snuggle up against Chase, tangling your legs with his and pulling the blanket tighter around you both.

"I didn't know you were like an octopus when it came to cuddling." Chase says as he holds you a little tighter.

"I didn't know you could be one either." You reply, eyes slipping close. "If Douglas shows anyone that picture, I'm gonna kill him."

"He wouldn't." Chase hesitates for a moment. "I think..."

You ended up hunting down Douglas around the academy the next day when you see the picture of you and Chase cuddling on every single screen in the academy.


"Ugh, you guys are disgusting."

"No one asked for your opinion, Perry," Leo sighs.

"I don't care," she shakes her head, holding her palm out. "Give me twenty dollars or I'm telling Mr. Davenport that you two are acting not so innocent."

Leo scoffs, glaring up at Perry from where he's laying on your chest. "He wouldn't believe you."

"Oh, really?" She lifts a brow. "You think he would believe two hormonal teenagers over an adult?"

"I think he would over a cheating, lying, crazy--"

"Here." Leo huffs, moving to the side to reach his wallet that was on the floor, pulling out a twenty.

"Pleasure doing business, Dooley." Perry smiles, snatching the money. "You two have fun, but not too much."

She laughs as she walks away.

"Leo, why would you do that?" You ask, as he holds himself up above you.

He sways his head in consideration. "Because in a way she's right. Two teens over an adult? But Mr. Davenport knows when to draw the line when it comes to believing Perry. Also, she's been recorded." Leo pulls out his phone from beneath the blanket. "Once we tell Mr. Davenport, he'll believe us with the proof that we have and he'll make Perry pay us double of what she took."

"Leo, you sly dog!" You press a quick kiss to his lips. "Let's go tell Mr. Davenport!"

You get up from the couch and run to seek Mr. Davenport, with Leo hot on your heels.

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