Tickle Fights

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You and Adam circled one another, fists up, ready for the other to make a move.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Adam asked.

"Positive." You nodded.

"Are you sure? Sweetheart, I don't want--"

You cut him off by super speeding around him in circles, and then kicking his lower back, causing him to stumble forward and fall.

"What was that?" You asked smiling.

Bree chuckled as she high fived you, as Adam stood. Adam glared at you as he began to sprint towards you.

"Run!" Bree exclaimed.

You quickly super sped out to the living quarters, looking around wearily. When you turned around, Adam picked you up, tossing you on the couch.


Before you could say anymore, Adam's fingers were digging into your sides. You squealed, laughing and begging him to stop. Once he did he smiled. "So, did you learn your lesson?"

"Yes, that I'm better than you."


You walked into the Hydra-loop area seeing Bree talking to Leo. You put your finger to your lips, signalling Leo to be quiet. You used your invisibility app to sneak up behind Bree. Your hands then danced along her sides, causing her to drop towards the ground laughing. Leo laughed loudly as Chase and Douglas entered. They both stared at Leo who laughed, and Bree squirming on the floor laughing.

"I'm not even gonna ask." Chase stated, walking back out as Douglas nodded following Chase.

"I'm with you."


You were in the Hydra-loop area, leaning agaisnt the wall, watching Chase as he taught his students. He was trying to demonstrate some of the techniques to help the students to defend themselves, but they just couldn't understand. You then stepped up, taking over as you explained the same techniques in a simpler way, making the students understand rather quickly, leaving Chase stunned.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I step on your moment?" You smirked as you walked away.


Mr. Davenport had made you a mentor, so as you taught your class, you tried to explain the most sensitive parts on the body, like the nose, sides, etc. The students though weren't getting it. Then you felt hands attack your sides, causing you to buckle forward laughing as Chase tickled you for a few moments, stopping to explain the sensitive parts on the body, making the students understand.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I step on your moment?"

"Shut up, nerd."


You both were cuddled up on the couch, watching a movie. Leo's hand brushed your side, causing you to jolt slightly.

"Hey, you okay? Why did you-- wait are you ticklish?" Leo asked.

"No." You replied. Leo grinned wickedly as you shook your head. "Don't you even think about it-- ahh!"

You laughed as Leo tickled you, jumping onto you to keep you down. You laughed trying to pry his hands off, but couldn't succeed. So you bucked him off.

"How did you throw me off?" Leo asked puzzled.

"Dude, you weigh like sixty pounds." You smiled as Leo shot you a glare.

"That's not funny."

"Oh, but it is."

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