Where They Like To Kiss You

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Adam: Forehead

Since Adam was much taller, he would kiss your forehead. It was simple yet sweet. He loves to kiss your forehead especially in public because you would always end up blushing.

Bree: Cheek

It was simple and innocent, and she loved to see your cheeks flush at the contact. She loved to kiss your face, and it caused her brothers to tease you both about it but she didn't care one bit.

Chase: Temple

You both could be cuddling or simply talking to other people and he would kiss your temple. It would calm you down whenever you were mad or upset. When he did this, you both would hear Bree squealing in the background, making you roll your eyes as Chase would chuckle.

Leo: Lips

He loved to kiss your lips, he craved it like a drug. He loved to feel your lips pressed against his own. Just the feeling of your lips drove him wild, which he told you once which made you blush madly, but you thought it was sweet.

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