They Realize They Love You

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When you listened to him. Wether he was complaining, telling jokes, or just simply talking, you would just listen. It meant a lot to him. People usually ignored him, or just wouldn't care what he had to say, because they didn't think it was important. You listened no matter what, and it meant more to him than anyone realized, and he loved you for that.


When you hugged her. She was having a bad day, nothing was going as planned, and she was beyond frustrated and upset. She was ranting as she paced the room, as you sat and watched. She had all this built up frustration, and you hated to see her so upset. So you got up and just hugged her, feeling her tense body relax, as she hugged you back. She sighed, not knowing what she would do without you, and in that moment, she realized that she loved you.


You were always there for him, always sticking by his side no matter what. When he was mad, upset, or whatever he was feeling at the moment, you were always there, talking to him and soothing him down. Always assuring him that everything was going to be okay, and that you were always going to be there. You just being by his side meant everything to him, it meant so much. Even though it didn't seem like a big thing, it meant the world to him. You were very understanding and he realized that he had fallen; fallen hard for you. And he wouldn't have it any other way.


When you defended him and would always be by his side. When he got bullied bt Trent, you were there sticking up for him. Even though he was a complete stranger to you, you stuck up for him. He loved how strong and independent you were. How you gave Trent a bloody nose, and relied on no one for any reason whatsoever. He loved your witty and sarcastic humor, and loved how playful you could be around him. He loved you, you were his everything, and he didn't want to let you go.

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