Infinity War Death AU

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Your heart plummets down into your stomach, seeming to stop beating as well as you take in the scene before you.

People at random falling and fading into ash, as the ones still standing cry out to them in pain and devastation. There's so much going on that you don't realize that you've fallen victim to the curse as well.


You end up falling into the grass, your legs crumbling and fading into the ground below you. "Adam-"

Adam stumbles to his knees before you, cradling your face gently between his hands. "It's okay, it's okay-"

You clutch tight to him, hoping to all hope that you won't go; that you won't die too. Your heart pounds and your fingers dig into Adam's arms. "I don't wanna go. I don't wanna go."

Adam is shaking his head, tears already escaping. He makes a pained noise as your body keeps crumbling within his grasp.

And then you're gone, you're nothing but ash and dust.

Adam bends forward and rests his forehead against your ashes and the grass, body trembling and tears falling.

He cries, wishing desperately that you'll come back. But you're gone, and there's nothing he can do to bring you back.


"What's happening?"

Your gaze his torn away from Bree in your lap to look up at Leo.

Leo is looking at the warriors before him to see half of them dropping like flies, fading into nothing but ash.

Your jaw drops, and just as you're trying to process what's happening, Bree releases a startled gasp. You look down at her, following her line of sight to see that her legs are disappearing  into the dirt below her, and it's slowly working it's way up her body to consume her whole.


You look at her to see tears spilling beside her temples as she look up at you. Her lips tremble as she grips your hand tightly into hers, holding onto it like a lifeline.

"It's okay, Love." You smooth back her hair away from her face, fighting yourself brutally to not cry. It gets harder the more she disappears, especially when it starts crawling up to her arms and collarbone. "You're okay, we're okay. I love you."

She inhales sharply as her face begins to crumble. "I love you to-" She doesn't get to finish when she's gone.

Your bottom lip trembles, and to release the tight tension in your throat that you can't hold anymore, a sob escapes your lips as you cover your face, accidently smearing her ashes on your face which makes you cry harder.


Chase stumbles into your arms, causing you to fall against a tree.

Your back slides roughly down the bark, scratching up your suit but you pay no attention to it when Chase is crumbling within your arms.

He leans against your collarbone, muttering, "I'm sorry."

"Don't say that." You hold him tight, tricking yourself into thinking that by holding him tight, he can't disintegrate. "You have nothing to apologize for. After all this, we'll go on our date, yeah? It's your turn to pick what we do, remember?"

"Yeah," he exhales shakily, ignoring how his body is disappearing into the breeze.

Your voice becomes hoarse as you ask, "What-" You clear your throat, blinking away the tears. "What do you wanna do?"

His hand clutches onto yours tightly. "I just wanna be with you."

You close your eyes tightly, your throat desperately wanting to release a wail. You shakily exhale a soft, "Me too."

And once Chase is gone, you gaze out into the open field, your vision blurring everything together until you close your eyes and cry.


"Hey, it's okay. It's okay." Leo comforts as he holds you into his lap. "We're gonna be okay."

Lies. But that doesn't matter.

"Leo," you breath, fighting desperately to move but failing miserably. "I can't-"

Leo shakes his head, tucking your head underneath his chin. "You don't have to do anything at all. You've done so much already. Thank you for that."

You try to joke, but it ends up falling flat. "Like saving your ass?"

"Yeah." Leo presses his lips to your hair, scenting your hair for the last time. "Thank you, I'd crash and burn without you."

"Don't say that," you grouch, tone turning raspy. You clear your throat, but it doesn't help your voice clear any better. "I love you, Leo."

"I love you, too." He lifts his head and closes his eyes, tilting down a little so that he place a final kiss to your temple, and so that he can murmur gently into your ear.

I love you, I love you, I love you, I lov-

Once your gone, Leo breaks; he pulls his knees to his chest and sobs.

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