They Find Out You're Bionic

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You were hanging out at the Davenport's house, sitting on the couch as Adam and Chase were rough-housing. Since Adam had super strength, you didn't want to see Chase get hurt.

"Adam, be careful," you warned.

"I know, I know," he replied, grabbing Chase from behind and thrashing him around.

You sighed, almost leaning back on the couch until you saw Chase's foot hit the vase. Before the vase could hit the ground, you super sped over and caught it. Adam and Chase froze, staring at you wide eyed.

You laughed nervously, as you set the vase down. "Surprise..."

Adam of course, wasn't mad. He was the exact opposite, wanting to know more about your abilities.


Over at the Davenport's, you and the rest of the Davenport siblings decided to play hide-and-seek. It was childish but you all were really bored. As Bree counted down in the lab, the boys split in different directions. Once they were gone, you geo-leaped into the living room, using your invisibility app. As you walked behind the couch, Leo ran out in a hurry and collided into you from behind, causing you both to fall. You deactivated your invisibility app, groaning as Bree, Adam, and Chase rushed in.

"What happened? I heared a crash," Chase stated, seeing you and Leo on the floor.

"She's bionic," Leo replied a bit weakly.

"No she's not, wait, are you?" Adam asked you.

You sighed, getting up as you told them about your abilities. They weren't mad, but now since they knew, they were a little frighten. Since you and Bree had the invisibility app, you could pull off major pranks without them seeing you both. The boys were in a fun ride, especially if it came to revenge.


You were out on a mission at an abandoned warehouse where people were being held captive. As you walked down one of the halls, you slowed your pace, peering into a room, seeing no gaurds just people being held captive. As you entered the room, you quickly scanned the room before untying them.

"Well would you look at that, an amateur trying to be some hero. Why don't you join them?" the guard asked, pulling out a knife.

"Oh, no! You found my weakness! It's small knives!" you stated sarcastically, dropping to your knees.

He wasn't amused by your sarcasm, just as he went to throw the knife, you quicky blasted him, shooting electric volts, causing him to pass out.

"You're bionic?"

You quickly whipped around, seeing the Davenport trio and Leo staring at you wide eyed.

"I'll explain later, just help me untie the people," you informed.

After freeing the people, you told them about your abilities, apologizing for not telling them sooner. Chase was upset at first, but just was grateful that you didn't get hurt.


You had walked down to lab, greeting the Davenport family. Leo had asked what was wrong, which you told him everything was fine. You decided to just come clean, telling them that you were bionic.

"You're bionic? What typed of abilities do you have?" Bree asked.

"Well, I can shift into animals, sorta," you replied.

Douglas had asked if you could control this ability, which you told him you couldn't because you haven't quite mastered this ability. Later on, you were playing video games with Adam and Leo until you felt your arms start to tingle.

"Are those...feathers?" Adam asked, pausing the game.

"Yes, they are. Can we keep playing now?" you asked, as Leo looked at your arms.

"So, like, how does this work? Do you know when they're gonna sprout? Can you feel them coming? Ooh! Can you pluck them!" he asked excitedly.

"Dammit, Adam! No! I'm not a chicken! I don't need to be plucked!"

It was probably the dumbest thing you ever said, but you couldn't control your laughter and neither could the boys.

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