Waking Up From The Coma

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Adam is overjoyed when you wake up from the coma. He presses gentle but frantic kisses all over your face, telling you how happy he is now that you're awake. He sticks to your side like glue, recounting everythinng that happened while you were "asleep", telling you how Leo tripped in the hallway, and how Chase accidently locked himself in the stall bathroom.

He's like an excited puppy when seeing their owner. And it's cute when to see him so happy again, because you know it must've been tough on him. And when he goes in for frequent kisses, you don't mind at all.


Bree is at the cafeteria when she gets the call that you're awake. She doesn't get the food she was supposed to get, she super speeds into the room and starts asking multiple questions when she sees you. The questions come flying out so fast that no one can understand what she's saying until Mr. Davenport gets her to stop.

She greets you with a hug, planting a kiss to your lips. She tries to control herself in the room since the others are there. She ends up staying seated on the gurney until you're finally released.


You wake up to only Chase in the room. He sits there reading a book with tired eyes, and you make a sly comment; saying if he's reading physics, you're gonna strangle him for studying when he knows everything already. Chase's attention snaps to you, and he sighs in relief as he comes closer to you.

He plants a gentle loving kiss to your lips, not even minding your bad breath because you're finally awake. He tries to tamper down his emotions, and when his eyes get a little glossy, you don't say anything because you know it must have been horrible for him. He ends up holding your hand and talks for you for a few quiet minutes before alerting his family. He's mostly relieved.


Leo gets choked up when you comment about the trashy movie that's playing on tv. He actually climbs up on the gurney, cuddling you carefully and whispering about how he feels as he lays soft kisses on your face and collarbone. The kisses are reassuring, and he lays his head on your chest and tries not to cry because he missed you so, so much.

And you run your hand through his hair, whispering sweetly to him. You both don't alert the others yet, wanting a few private minutes together before alerting the family.

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