Endgame AU

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"[Name]!" Adam holds you tight to his body, almost squishing you.

He presses desperate kisses to your lips, eyes watering with relief and happiness when pulling away.

You squeeze his arms, grounding him. "How long?"

His eyes close as he presses his forehead to yours. "Two years."

You exhale in disbelief, and you can see how much this has affected him. Adam looks worn down and tired, and with you gone, you could only imagine what he's been through.

You hold his face gently, sweeping your thumbs softy against his cheeks. "I'm here, Adam. I'm not going anywhere."

He nods, his lips twitching in a small smile. "Okay," he whispers. He leans down to kiss you once more, futher proving in his mind that you are real, and that this isn't just a dream.

And with you in his arms, he finally feels at home.


You can't control the tears as you hold onto Bree tightly. You look up at the cloudy sky, blinking the tears away until Bree gently pulls away.

"I'm here, I'm here," she says assuringly, wiping the tears away from beneath your eyes. "It's okay."

You try to control your emotions, but your lips quiver and your voice wavers as you say to her; "I've missed you so much."

"I know, but I'm here now, okay?" She tucks a piece of hair behind your ear. "I'm here now."

You nod once before leaning in to kiss her. It's desperate, but no less passionate. Pulling away, you're both a little breathless.

"We got a battle to fight," she says, her hand sliding off your shoulder to take your hand in hers. "We'll have more time later, okay?"

"Okay." You nod, sqeezing her hand once and giving her a kiss once more.

"We'll be okay."

You take Bree's words to heart. While exhaling a breath, you both charge into battle.


"We're gonna blow!"

Someone comes barrelling into your side as a bomb drops several meters away, causing the earth to shake and scream. Debris and dirt go flying, and soon enough bullets whizz through the air, distant bombs are dropped, and some people are screaming.

You're about to shove the person off, but when they lift their head in your line of sight, your heart hammers vigoriosly against your ribcage with renewed energy. "Chase?"

He blinks several times, but once he sees you his lips twich in wobbly smile. "Hey."

That's all he gets out before your pulling his face into yours, kissing him with desperation. It lasts for a few moments, because when he pulls back he sees the welling tears and the quiver of your lips.


It's a blow to his heart; your voice trembles on a whisper. Your hand on his cheek is warm, and all he can do is close his eyes for a moment before pulling you up from the ground. "We gotta fight. We'll have time."

That's all he says, and you quickly wipe the tears before gathering up your emotions. There's a war and there's not much time for talking, but afterwards you'll both have time.

We'll have time.


Leo stumbles to his feet as you come to haul him back up. "Leo, you all right? You wouldn't believe what happened. Remember when I got all dusty and died? Well it only felt like that for a moment before this wizard, superhero, or whatever was telling us that there was a war to be fought. But all I could think about was you and-"

Leo's lips are on yours, and he kisses with desperation while he holds your face in his hands. It sends a ripple of chills down your back, causing your heart to feel ablaze.

You pull away gently after a few moments, searching his eyes for a truthful answer. "You okay?"

Leo blinks once before nodding. "I am now."

Eyes seeking his, you know that he's been through more than you could ever imagine. There's suffering and pain that dulls his once lively brown eyes, but now there's a small spark of something.

Heart aching for Leo, you lean in and place a loving kiss to his lips. His hands in yours, you whisper to him; "I love you, Leo."

His eyes close for a long moment, and the corner of his mouth twitches before he opens his eyes again. Croaking, he murmurs the same endearment before Chase gets you both to join the battle again.

You and Leo never stray far from one another when joining the fight, fghting for not only the universe, but for a life together in the future.

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