When One of Your Future Selves Comes to Visit

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You're sitting on the edge of the pool, legs swirling in the water as you watch Adam and several students out on the beach running around or swimming in the ocean.

You hear a high pitch whine, and there's a bright lights that forms in the middle of the living quarters that makes you cover your eyes and whince when the whine gets louder and louder until it all stops.

Your ears are ringing and your hands are still covering your face until you feel a pair of large hands pull your hands away from your face.

You blink and you see Adam, but he's different; older and more ragged. He has a stubble and dark bags under his eyes, lips dry and chapped. He's pale and he's unhealthy skinny.

You look out on the beach and Adam is running the shore chasing Bob. You turn to the Adam in front of you and your mouth falls open. You try to speak but no words pass your lips.

"Do not go to the main land today."

"What?" You whisper, eyes unblinking.

Adam shakes his head, hands on your shoulders. "Do not go to the main land today, okay? You're going to get into an accident and I..." Adam's eyes water and he takes a deep breath. "I couldn't save you and you lost your--" His breath hitches and he closes his eyes as he takes a shuddering breath. "You lost your legs and it...and it..."

You place your hands on his face, and he leans into your touch with his lips quivering. "Adam, it's okay."

Adam shakes his head, "I don't have much time. Promise me you won't go."

You nod, eyes watering, "I promise."

He kisses you're forehead, lips moving against your skin. "I love you."

You shut your eyes, keeping the tears at bay. "I love you too."

And he gets up and takes several steps back. He turns his watch and within a bright flash he's gone.


Bree sits on the couch, flipping to the next page in her novel until she hears a thump and sees you round the corner.

Bree raises her eyebrows. "[Name], what are..." She trails off, because for one you're not you. Two, you look older but not by much, and you just left with Douglas to the main land to go on a supply run.

"Who..." Bree trails off when not- you comes and kneels at her feet.

"There will be a mission alert in the next hour, and whatever happens, do not go." You tell her, gripping her thighs.

Bree furrows her brows in confusion. "I don't understand."

You shake your head, "Promise me you won't go, please."


"Because..." You look down at her jean clad legs, your fingers tighten around her legs briefly. You whisper, "Because you die."

Bree heart pounds in her chest and the hairs raise on her arms. "What?"

You look up at her, tears on the verge of falling. When you speak, your voice wavers, "Tell me you won't go."

Bree jerks her head in a nod, "I won't go."

You surge up and kiss her, but it only lasts a few seconds. You get up and step away from from her, vanishing in a bright flash.

And when the mission alert does goes off, Bree stays in her spot on the couch.


You shake your head, trying to control your fueling anger.

You and Chase got into another argument which quickly escalated into a heated fight about you putting yourself in danger during missions. Like risking your life for the team and people in danger.

You can understand why he's worried because you wouldn't want him risking his life constantly, but you knew what you could handle and you knew your limits.

You scroll through your laptop, trying to organize and send Douglas certain files and while doing so, you hear the familiar set of footsteps behind you.

"Chase, I really don't want to--"

You're spinned around quickly and before you can do anything, a set of lips are being pressed to yours.

It's a desperate but no less passionate kiss. And when you're able to pull back and finally breath, you see that it's Chase but not your Chase.

This Chase is pale and extremely exhausted, and just by looking at him, you see that he's broken. And you notice that he has a semi-long scar on his right eye, reaching his eyebrow as well.

"I know you're not happy with me at this current moment, and I know you want to prove me wrong about handling yourself but you can't do this." You go to speak but he continues. "You're gonna go on a mission by yourself and you're going to get taken by an organization and they will brainwash you into killing us, the Davenports."


He shakes his head, eyes full sorrow. "You don't remember us completely but you do recognize us. And you end up sacrificing yourself for me." Chase's throat bobs as he swallows. "No matter the circumstances, you must promise me that you won't go on the mission and sacrifice yourself for me."

"I promise," you say, voice wavering and eyes burning with tears. "I'm sorry."

He brings you in his arms, holding you tight as he whispers against your temple, "Don't ever apologize for the things you have no control of."


Leo encourages himself under his breath, trying to boost his confidence as he tightens his hold on the wooden broom.

He can do this.

He yells out a battle cry as he runs into the living room, but his voice fades when he sees you.

He's the only one that went back home to the mainland to visit his mother for the weekend, and you decided to cover his teaching classes so that he was able to go.

But what threw Leo off was that you were there, all grown up, chasing a small child around the couch and small glass table.


Your head shoots up instantly, eyes wide as the small girl runs to Leo and clutches onto his legs.

She giggles she looks up at him, "Save me, daddy!"

What. The. Fu--

Leo just stares as you scoop up his child up from the floor.


Leo makes an inhuman noise before collapsing to the floor.


Dear Leo,

You're probably really freaked out, wondering if it all had been a dream. It wasn't.

Our daughter got into the lab and into the time traveling machine. Apparently it sent her to this time period and I had to go and save her.

I was not planning in running into you, and I apologize for probably scarring you, but technically, it's all your fault for passing the curiosity genes to our daughter and slightly reckless behavior.

I can't tell you much else, but I want you to know that you are very much well loved in the future.

From yours truly, your Queen.

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