When You Tease Them

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Like Adam, you never went too far with your teasing. You loved how he would sometimes stutter and grow red. It gave you a reason to cuddle and kiss him in apology, but really you didn't need a reason to, but it worked.


You loved teasing Bree. She would try brushing it off, by rolling her eyes or whatnot, but you knew exactly what to do and turn things against her, making her flustered and speechless. Your teasing was never mean, but simply playful.


Teasing Chase was one of your favorite things to do. You would watch in amusement, seeing Chase grow flustered and try to come up with a comeback. Even though he was the smartest man in the world, you knew how to throw him off his game. You were never mean, but flirty.


It was a challenge to throw Leo off when you teased him, so your teasing usually didn't have an affect of him. Though, once in a blue moon, when you did get him flustered, you would silently celebrate in victory, knowing that you could beat him at his own game.

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